I know I usually write you on Wed, but wanted to send this a day earlier as it’s officially the New Moon period (new beginnings).
Such a brilliant month for love and partnership and fortunate opportunities if you are loving yourself and paying attention to your heart and truth.
In this video you will:
learn what February is about and what it means for you
I’ve pulled 4 Goddess cards for each week of the month and shared insights so you can have a heads up
learn of an opportunity to love yourself more!
Watch it below.
ps: Are you signed up for the FREE Self-Love Challenge that starts today? If you’re seeing this late, it’s okay-hop on in here.
https://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.png00Diana Dorellhttps://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.pngDiana Dorell2019-02-05 06:36:262019-02-05 06:42:49your February forecast is here!
I was at a restaurant the other night and couldn’t help noticing a couple to the left whose body language screamed, “We are on a first date!”
You know what I mean right? The nervous tone and stilted chuckle when asking and answering questions.
The stiff body language and constant shifting.
At one point, I think the girl even snuck in a text under the table.
(I know…I can’t help it. This is what fascinates me).
First dates and first meetings of any kind can be awkward as hell.
But they don’t have to be.
Here are 3 tricks you can use to make the whole process way more enjoyable.
full transparency: This audio was transcribed from a video I did around the same topic, so if you hear the word video, that’s why! #keepitsimple #goddessway #easeandgrace yo!
Listen here:
ps: Want to learn how to love yourself so you can attract an awesome relationship? I’m so excited to be hosting a FREE 10-day self love challenge that starts next week (Feb 5-Feb 14!)
https://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.png00Diana Dorellhttps://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.pngDiana Dorell2019-01-30 16:30:032019-01-30 16:30:033 tricks to make first meetings less awkward
Have you ever felt this battle between your head and your heart?
Especially in relationships, that tennis match can seem to go on and on, leaving you to second-guess your decisions, or worse, just not making any decision and staying stuck and confused.
But if you’ve been wanting to find that sweet spot where you are trusting and following your gut, you’ve got to learn how to get out of your head.
When I first learned about the power of developing your intuitive muscles in dating (and in anything really!), I couldn’t wait to teach it to others.
If you tend to be type A and always in your head, but want to start trusting yourself, this tool is a great starting point.
It will help convince your brilliant logical mind that you are in fact, NOT crazy and it can take a latte break.
https://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.png00Diana Dorellhttps://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.pngDiana Dorell2019-01-14 10:16:492019-01-14 10:16:49i thought i was crazy...
Random q: have you had the urge to purge old crap?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in full-on declutter mode this week.
From clearing space on my desktop to deleting old photos on my phone and tossing old receipts while singing Queen songs (Bohemian Rhapsody…must see movie), my puppy Bella thinks I have gone mad!
If you want to call in more romance this year, decluttering is a great place to start.
But taking it a step further…have you taken a moment to check whether or not your bedroom and home are poised to support you or derail you from having healthy relationships?
One of my specialities is helping clients call in more dates, more money and more opportunities using the ancient art of space clearing, Feng Shui and reflective questioning.
I may teach this as a full-on course one day but for now, here are 3 questions to ask yourself when evaluating your space.
Listen here:
Leave a comment on the blog after you tune in and as always, have an amazing week!
https://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.png00Diana Dorellhttps://dianadorell.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/NEWLOGO2024-300x138.pngDiana Dorell2019-01-07 11:05:432019-01-07 11:05:43is your home repelling love? 3 q's to ask!
I’m en route back home to AZ after spending New Years in San Jose, CA. It was a nostalgic trip because it was the first place I moved after graduating college and I hadn’t been back in 10 years! Trippppy….
But I digress.
So…what is up with 2019?
I pulled a card for everyone in all time zones (below) + also made a super short audio recording with the channeled message that accompanies it as well as what 2019 themes are.
Check it out here.
After you listen, Q: What is one thing you are excited to express this year? Share with us in the comments!
I look forward to creating and sharing more nuggets this year to inspire you to love yourself, trust yourself and step into your full power in all your relationships!
ps: Want to overcome a belief that there is “not enough?” Abundance mindset is the focus in The Empowered Goddess Society for January and we have a very special guest expert coming in later this month! Want to join us? Check it out here