Q: “I’ve been single for a few years and am ready to start dating again, but I don’t want to settle for anything less than a soul mate relationship. Is there anything I can do to prepare so I don’t screw it up?”

First off, it’s totally natural to feel scared about screwing it up, especially if you’ve been out of the dating game for awhile.

And while there is no guaranteed magic list you can check off to prepare for a soulmate, there are some very important things to keep in mind.

1. Date from Overflow, Never to Fill a Void.

Realize that no one is going to fill a void–you have to realize that happiness is an inside job and if you are taking excellent care of yourself, chances are much higher that you will meet a soul mate who also values themselves. When you date from a place of overflow (meaning, you feel so grounded within yourself that you can’t help but share yourself and have an experience,) that is very very attractive!

2. See each person you’re with as a mirror for your own growth

If you see everyone you date/go on dates with as a teacher to help you grow, then you can have several ‘soulmates’ in this lifetime- some soul mates are friends, colleagues, even family members. But I know what you mean (romantic soul mates! Meeting one is a combination of aligned values, priorities and Divine timing. So relax, open your heart to see, “what is this person/interaction teaching me about myself?” and have fun!

3. Set a strong foundation (it begins with you!)

Practice setting and sticking to boundaries around your time, energy and schedule. What you accept is what you put out for another to treat you. Also, telling the truth to yourself even when it’s hard is crucial for emotional resilience. These are all skills you will incorporate into a healthy, thriving relationship when it’s time.

The more you can practice the 3 things above with yourself, the better you set yourself up to create empowering relationships, with your soul mate and with everyone in your life!

Q: Which one of these tips speaks to you this week? Leave a comment and let me know!

ps: Want to learn how to up your confidence in relationships?
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