3 tips to avoid family drama over the holidays

  • Do you ever feel like you don’t “measure up” in your family
  • Do you secretly wish you could hide in a cave and just skip over the endless holiday drama?
  • Are you tired of feeling like you’re not good enough?

You’re not alone!

The holidays can be a really rough time when it comes to relationships.

But the good news is, it’s also a great time to do some MASSIVE clearing and step up your spiritual


In this video you will learn:

  • my top 3 tips to dealing with difficult family members
  • how to save your sanity when that person makes that snarky remark about your weight, your job or your relationships (or lack of!)
  • how to quickly spot and diffuse drama before it goes out of control and so much more!

Watch it below and be sure to answer this week’s Soul Question after!

Q: What is one way YOU deal with family drama that has helped you over the holidays?

It could be a self-care tip, an affirmation, or simply an activity that helps you stay centered during this crazy time! Share with us in the comments!


ps: Ready to shed and let go of your past family drama for GOOD?

Book a complimentary 15-minute consult so I can learn more about your specific desires and goals and share ways that you can reach them!

11:11:11 + your spiritual message about love

“Be Yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”-Oscar Wilde


I’m just coming off my Sedona high from this weekend’s Ignite Your Soul retreat and so many amazing insights came up high in the Red Rocks with the Goddesses who came. I will share more about that next week!

But to add to the already electric vibes in the air, it is also a triple 11 day which means MAJOR transformation potential, especially around your relationships.

How I got that:



What that means:

The number 11 is a master number of relationship and if you look at it, it literally looks like a pathway. 

It represents a gateway, an initiation you walk through and with 3 “11’s” in the line-up, it represents: your past self-your present thoughts-and the future you are creating. Within you.

It’s the perfect time to:

  • be bold and ask for what you really really want (vs what you think you can get)
  • bury the hatchet once and for all and give up having to be “right” and know it all and 
  • put your focus instead on how much peace you can gift yourself in any given relationship

In short, in any given moment, are you going to choose peace or are you going to choose war within yourself?

Again it’s that 11 gateway thing.

One path brings you more to battle, more to fight, more to “figure out.”

The other path brings you lessons learned vs mistakes made, a second chance and a sense of abundance and connection.

The true connection and love that only comes when you give up seeing yourself as separate from the Divine in another person or a situation. 

The person that’s irritating you?

Maybe you knew them in a past life, but what are they activating in you that wants to have a voice?

The person you’re jealous of?

Maybe they are really just showing you your own potential that you have been afraid to step into out of fear.

The person that isn’t calling you back or giving you attention when you want it?

Maybe they are just your teacher for what it means to let go of validating your self worth or love through other people’s approval or lack of approval.

It all goes back to you. Loving yourself enough to say yes to peace. 

This week, I invite you to reflect again on the same question as you go about your journey: 

“In this given moment, am I going to choose peace or am I  going to choose war within myself? What would bring me closer to my desired feeling?” 

Start there.

And remember: you are loved. 

ps: Are you coming to my Intuition 101 course? We are starting in just SIX short days!

It’s the perfect time to hone and sharpen your intuitive skills so you can float freely into this next chapter and prep for an amazing, grounded 2015. Click here.

Video: want to stop taking on other people’s crap? do this!

Have you ever left your house feeling on top of the world?

Happy, ready for the day and smiling for no reason?

And then you get to the office or you get off the phone with someone and after a few minutes, you feel like you need to take two showers?

You feel icky, mad, sad or just “off” and you know you’ve taken on their crap but you don’t know how to NOT?

Us spiritually-conscious folks, tend to have the biggest hearts and also tend to be extremely sensitive to others’ moods, vibes, etc. This is a true gift and you probably know you’re here to radiate light and elevate the planet with good vibes and love. All that being said…

In relationships (of all kinds), if you don’t want to end up feeling like crap for taking on other people’s crap all the time, it’s crucial that you learn how to stay in your own energy.

I want to help you do just that!

In this week’s video you will learn:

  • One of my favorite Angel-friendly negative-energy-be-gone exercises you can do that requires less than 10 seconds once you’ve gotten some practice!
  • The why behind other people’s crap bumping into your energy and what’s really happening
  • You’ll learn of a fun opportunity to take it a step further and learn how to not let other people’s crap influence your decision-making abilities

Watch it below (I kept it short again..wohoo!) and be sure to answer this week’s Soul Challenge question in the comments!


NOTE: If you are extra sensitive and having the mirror only face one-way feels isolating, experiment with having it be a 2-way mirror so you can see yourself on one side and the other person sees themselves. You can also add color and make the mirror a color that feels fun for you! Experiment and report below!

This Week’s Soul Challenge: Have YOU ever taken on other people’s negative vibes or energy? What has helped you to stay positive at work or in your relationships! Share your wisdom or tip with us below!

ps: Ready to learn how to take your intuition up a notch?

Intuition 101 11/2014

Video: Simple daily exercise to get stronger messages from your intuition

Q: How do I feel more confident about the messages I’m getting from my gut feelings and intuition?

A: Training yourself to trust and follow your intuition is a muscle that anyone can get better at. It’s like going to the gym. Practice, positioning your body in the right alignment and most of all, confidence even when you’re just starting out is important.

Want to learn a simple daily exercise that can dramatically increase your confidence around intuition?

I offer this exercise to my clients and in the beginning of my own spiritual journey, I found it to be invaluable and I’d love to pass it on to you!

In the short training video below you will learn:

  • the secret to getting stronger intuitive messages (it’s simple but most of us miss it because we try to complicate everything!)
  • the biggest thing getting in your way of trusting your gut feelings
  • my ridiculously simple daily tip that can up your chances of getting an accurate message for yourself (consider it your spiritual reps!) 

Did you watch it? If YES, here’s your Soul challenge:

“Do you struggle with not trusting yourself? What has helped YOU? Share your wisdom with us in the comments below!”

PS: Want to learn how to become a MASTER decision-maker? Click here!

should you date a guy with kids?

“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”– Lucille Ball

Q: I’m dating a guy with young kids and he says he loves me and I love him, but I always feel like everything we do has to be on his schedule. I’m starting to feel like I’m not getting my needs met. Should I stay with him and just accept that I’m never going to come first or should I just let it go now before I commit any further? Help!

This is a GREAT question and we’re going to hit it from several angles.

The suggestions offered can be applied to ANY area of your life where you feel like you’re getting the short end of the stick and you aren’t sure what the heck to do.

It all comes down to a few simple, but powerful things.

After you watch the video, be sure to answer the Soul Challenge Question for this week below!

Soul Challenge:

Here are some questions to consider: Share with us in the comments!

  1. Have you ever dated a guy with kids? What was your biggest takeaway from that experience? Any advice?
  2. What is ONE choice that you would be willing to make today that would be an act of self love?
  3. Share + take action on #2!

ps: Can I send you a free gift to help you make better decisions in love and life? Click here!


Prefer to read? Here you go!

Title: Should you date a guy with kids?

Q: I’m dating a guy with young kids and he says he loves me and I love him, but I always feel like everything we do has to be on his schedule. I’m starting to feel like I’m not getting my needs met. Should I stay with him and just accept that I’m never going to come first or should I just let it go now before I commit any further?

A: There are a few key things happening here to look at.

First, being comfortable with a guy who has young children who still live at home.

Second, feeling safe to communicate what your needs are and standing up for what’s important to you and finally, deciding whether this is a situation that is going to help you get closer to your heart’s desire or take you further away.

It all boils down to 3 things: self-love, self-worth and knowing your deal breakers.

In your heart of hearts, before moving any further, it’s super important to ask yourself, “Is dating a guy with young kids a deal breaker?”

For example:

If deep down, you really want children of your own someday (in whatever capacity that looks like) and you’ve talked with him about it and he’s made it clear the kids he has are IT for him, well, then staying with him could feel like an act of self-betrayal… unless you are 100% willing to assume the role of stepmother and would be fulfilled with that.

If you on the other hand, you feel pretty neutral about having children with this man or he’s open to having more but are having a hard time getting the 1:1 time and feeling of adoration you want from him, then the issue is really about feeling confident and worthy of being adored.  It all goes back to basics. Self. Love.

Whatever we “need” from another is something we have to first learn how to provide for ourselves.

Important: This never comes from a “see-i-don’t-need-a-man-i-can-do-it-myself” lone ranger kind of place. That feels heavy and that’s when people can feel bitter about love.

It’s about learning how to come to the table with the qualities we seek in another so we have something to offer the relationships! It’s about coming from a place of overflow vs lack or seeking something we fear we aren’t really worthy of giving to ourselves.

Only then can we truly embrace the love that someone else has to offer us. And that makes them want to give you MORE. And you have to DO less. It’s truly a win: win.

So, the answer to the question is “it depends” (not what you probably wanted to hear, but hey, the Universe isn’t black and white.)

It depends on how much you are loving yourself.

It depends how deeply you affirm your own worth, not just in love, but everywhere in your life.

It depends on how well you are communicating what really want to yourself first and then another.

It depends on how well you know your deal breakers.

It depends on your level of courage and your risk-taking threshold.

It depends on how much you love yourself (yes I put it twice on purpose!)

And finally, it depends on what feels true and authentic to help your Soul fulfill it’s truest desires.

Soul growth is never easy, but TRUE and AUTHENTIC will always get you closer to what you really want.


Soul Challenge:

Here are some questions to consider: Share with us in the comments!

  1. Have you ever dated a guy with kids? What was your biggest takeaway from that experience? Any advice?
  2. What is ONE choice that you would be willing to make today that would be an act of self love?
  3. Share + take action on #2!

ps: Can I send you a free gift to help you make better decisions in love and life? Click here!