No Power, Getting Married in a Storm + a Reminder

Happy Tuesday!

How are you? 

Wanted to share something with you today that I hope will invite you to open your heart. 

In light of the recent events in Texas, appreciation for what I have in my life came up so strongly. 

My father lives in Houston and he had no power or running water-and for the brief moments when I did get to speak with I’m on the phone before it went out again, he shared how the neighbors were all banding together to help each other with resources. 

I reconnected with a childhood friend whose parents are also there and she shared how their local church was supplying water for others. 

And finally, one of my fellow Goddesses actually had eloped and planned to be on the beach for her ceremony and got stuck in the storm-her best friend was flown in for the ceremony and because conditions were what they were, all three of them had to stay in one hotel room during her honeymoon!

Talk about an opportunity to get closer! What could have been a disastrous time ended up being a time to laugh, connect and enjoy an unconventional experience together. 

But it brings me to this point: In any moment, we can choose something to appreciate or we can choose something to complain about. 

And when it comes to love, when you are truly appreciative of the relationships that uplift you in your life NOW (friendships, family, work associates, clients, etc) you signal the Universe to send you more people that match that frequency! 

It’s a great week to do an Energetic Inventory. 

Here are two questions to journal on as we come to the finish line of February: 

Q: Which relationships drain you and feel like you are compromising your authentic self? 

Q: Which ones do you need to honor more? These are the ones where you feel like you are accepted and loved for who you are. 

Have a blessed week and if you struggle with maintaining a positive mindset during challenging times, click here.

Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough when it comes to dating? 

Anxiety that comes up after you don’t hear from a really great second date where you though for sure things went well? 

Or how about when you have this awesome day and then one thing happens that completely derails your mood and you wonder WTF you can do to climb out of it? 

No one teaches us how to love ourselves in these moments.

Self-love isn’t some luxury thing we only do when there is “enough money,” “enough time” or “enough (insert whatever you want).” 

It’s right up there with physical health and maintenance – it’s emotional maintenance! 

If you struggle with that (I certainly did!), I have found that it’s often the small, bite-sized things that we do consistently that really make a difference. 

And self love is no different. 

You have to learn to crawl before you can walk!

If you’d like to learn how to pull yourself out of a funk, support your emotional heart and feel more love for yourself so you can be there for the people you love, check this out:


February Goddess Oracle Message

Happy February! 

Ah! There is a newness in the air-and I was sharing the other day how it feels like January still had remnants of 2020 and it’s just only now beginning to feel like a new year…and energetic era! 

How has it felt like for you? 

In the spirit of new, I decided to use a new to me deck of cards for this month’s Goddess Oracle Message!

It was gifted to me by a very dear friend and I’m excited to share what’s coming up.

Find out now: 

Your January 2021 Message is Here!

Here is the Goddess Guidance Oracle Message for this month for you!

If you are new to my community, 1x/month, I pull oracle cards and interpret them for each week of the month and also share important dates to be aware of.

Feel free to pause the video after each card goes up so you can write down your own impressions!

Here’s to a fabulous new cycle!