Have Trouble with Follow Through? I’ve Got You!

Happy Tuesday! 

Today’s questions is about follow through! 

Q: “How do I overcome a lack of follow through with accomplishing my goals? I’ll start out great-and hen get stuck, spinning my wheels in the beginning stages of implementation. I want to get out of my own way! What can I do?” 

Watch below or prefer to read? Scroll down!

A: Often times when we experience a lack of follow through, there are a few things that could be going on. 

1) Your ‘why’ isn’t compelling enough.

The truth is, anytime we attempt to move towards something we have never done or had before, in the beginning it will feel foreign, hard or weird, even if deep down, we know we want it. But if your reason for it isn’t compelling enough, staying stuck is actually safer than pushing through a challenge, obstacle like ‘not enough time, etc.’ without that strong “why,” it’s hard to keep going when things become less than ideal which they never really are. 

2)  The goal (or the plan to implement) is too big. 

Breaking things down into manageable steps that your brain and body can handle is essential. Ex: I’m going to clean out the garage today becomes…I’m going to remove anything from the bottom shelf in the garage that needs to go. Get support from a friend or a coach if it’s a huge dream or goal. Chucking gives you space to have small wins, which is important when doing anything new to keep momentum up! 

3) Let go of perfection.

Doing something new means it’s not going to be perfect. Take imperfect action and give yourself permission to f–ck it up. If you are doing it with a pure heart and good intent, then even if you make a mistake, trust that the Universe will send you the info you need to correct it, revise or move through it. Stop letting yourself get held back by the need to prove something, do it perfectly or avoid judgement. You’ve got this! 

Q: Have you ever struggle with follow through? What helped you to move through it? Share with us! 

ps: If you could use the extra accountability of a coach, I would love to support you! Go here to book a complimentary consult to learn more

How to Handle Rejection in Dating with Grace

Happy Wednesday!

Have you ever felt rejected when it comes to relationships? 

Today, I’m taking a question from our Goddess community: 

“Diana, how can I handle rejection in dating better so that I stay hopeful about future love?”

Let’s unpack this with 3 very simple but powerful shifts you can make when this happens. 

ps: They work even if the ‘rejection’ you’ve experienced is in another area of your life too! 

Watch here: 

Q: Have you ever been rejected? What has helped you to move on? Share by adding a comment!

Your January 2021 Message is Here!

Here is the Goddess Guidance Oracle Message for this month for you!

If you are new to my community, 1x/month, I pull oracle cards and interpret them for each week of the month and also share important dates to be aware of.

Feel free to pause the video after each card goes up so you can write down your own impressions!

Here’s to a fabulous new cycle!

How bad do you want it?

Happy Wednesday!

How do you know if something (or someone) is worth going for?

Maybe it’s the decision to go on a second date with someone.

Or to take the leap of faith and finally get engaged… or break up… or tell someone how you really feel.

If you’re in my world, chances are high the you tend to do things differently than most people.

You’re intuitive and sometimes those intuitive nudges don’t always make sense.

It can feel scary-will they judge me if I do this? Don’t do this? What will people say? 

Who am I? 

All this, right?

I was listening to the fabulous Seth Godin on a podcast the other day and he posed a question that made me think twice.

I’d love to pose that same question to you today, especially if you are wrestling with whether or no to go for something.

Check this out: