
How to Keep Going, Even When You Aren’t Seeing What You Want

Dear Goddess,

Did you happen to see the Solar Eclipse on Saturday? 

It was so beautiful and it was in the sign of Sagittarius which surrounds themes of

  • optimism
  • expansion/unlimited possibility 
  • international/foreign connections
  • sharp wit and blunt communication 
  • fun and more!

It’s also a good week to really tune into your intuition’s nudges on what is more near and dear to your heart.

You may yearn for a soulmate partnership.

Someone to hold you, adore you and do life with you.

You may have put yourself on so many dating apps but no one seems to be right, no one messages you…

Or you do have a wonderful date and then you need hear from them again,

Or they are married,

Or they are ‘not in a place to be  in a committed relationship.’ 

No matter the situation, it can feel really discouraging and frustrating to keep going, and to stay positive when there’s no sign in sight of what you’re yearning for. 

I’ve been in this situation countless times in the past and after witnessing and holding space for private clients over the past 11 years, here are 3 beliefs to consider: 

  1. I wouldn’t have the desire if the thing I’m desiring wasn’t already here in the Universal Field. It is happening in exact Divine timing and I won’t miss it. Yes, I know that’s annoying to hear, but if you adopt the mindset of “The Universe is on my side and will deliver what is truly meant for me at the perfect time,” then you can chill and relax if something doesn’t seem to be happening ASAP. It’s Divine timing. You can still date and practice staying open and relaxed to receiving without attachment or gripping. 
  2. Everything that happens is an opportunity for me to commit more truly to what I want. When Jess-than-aligned partners present themselves, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to commit even more to the type of relationship you want vs worrying about “why you attracted this.” (Honestly, sometimes it’s just showing up to test you on how committed you are to what you say you desire!)
  3. When in doubt, cut it out! As you peer honestly at the actions you are taking and the relationships currently in your life, heck, even the books and TV shows you are reading, where are you contradicting what you say you want? Example: If you say you want to meet someone (like your forever person) but you are addicted to watching TV shows where all the characters are having one-night stands, that’s what’s being embedded in your psyche. It may be time to make new choices. If you’re not sure if something you’re doing or someone you are engaging with on a regular basis is healthy and aligned with the desires of your heart, it may be time to cut it out and replace with new activities. 

The more you can observe yourself with grace, compassion and honesty, and align with the natural timing of the Universe, the easier it will be to know when to take action and when to just be in trust!

Q: Which one of these are you going to play with this week? 

Let me know in the comments and if you’d like to go deeper, I am SO excited to have 10 spots available for 2021 Healing Release Sessions!

How it works: 

These are different than getting an intuitive reading in that you will be given an exercise to complete before we speak to maximize the release energy. Then we will hop on the phone or Zoom for the energy activation and release to let go of heavy stuck enemy and anything you already to say bye bye to. And then you’ll be given a personalised directive to seal off that energy after we are done. This is really special because I no longer offer one-off energy healing sessions so if you’ve to get in and clear some heavy stuff, jump in!

These are $297 USD and I will be booking all of them before the Winter Solstice on the 21st. 

Next steps:

  1. Go here to book (if I already have 11 spots full, I will refund you!) 
  2. You will receive an email within 24 hours to boo a specific day and time and also receive your pre-session exercise.
  3. These will go quickly! Once they are gone, they are gone. 

Have an amazing week!

Drop the Mask + Go Deeper (Ask This Question)

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been watching Halloween-themed movies literally as soon as October 1st hit. 

Think Hocus Pocus (OMG-I want to be Sarah Sanderson! and Addams Family. 

My fiancé, Rob, has made it his personal mission to have me watch classics that I’ve never seen-example: I saw the original 1970 something Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis…and I loved it and was completely freaked out after. 

He joyfully went on to share that there are like 7 more Halloween sequels. Hmmm, not sure I loved it that much???

Anyhow, it got me thinking about masks.

The ones we wear.

The ones we take off. 

And why we even feel like sometimes it’s just not safe to be the real us and ditch the masks. 

Especially when it comes to love, there’s nothing more refreshing than watching someone just let their guard down and be themselves.

Sometimes it’s revealing.

Other times it’s surprising.

But when you come right down to brass tacks, truth is powerful.

When someone shows you who they really are, in all their imperfect glory?

It’s beautiful. Refreshing. And you can almost feel the palpable sign for r-e-l-i-e-f.

And it gives you permission to show your true, imperfect self too.

Because only then can you find out if you have what it takes to go the distance. 

It takes way less energy to be yourself than to be any other watered down or distorted version.

Energy you could be using to develop a real connection and love with someone! 

But if you aren’t willing to drop the mask with yourself, how can you expect to forge that real deep connection that lasts with someone else?

So…here are some Soul questions you can answer to allow more of the real you to come out. 

Grab your journal and something yummy. 

It’s time to get real with yourself in the name of love.

Q: What I’m afraid people would see about me if they really got to know me is…

Q: If you really knew me, you see that…

Q: If I let people see the real me, the worst that could happen is…

Q: If I let people see the real me, the best that could happen is… 

Happy Halloween and happy Soul journaling!

Want to share one of your insights? Leave me a comment!

Sparkle Seat Series: Angie

Happy Tuesday! 

Do you have big dreams and aren’t sure how to break them down to make them a reality? 

In this month’s Sparkle Seat series, Diana coaches Angie, who is interested in building her own business while juggling other responsibilities. 

If you’ve ever wanted to increase your confidence to go for it-whether it is in finally taking steps towards your big dream, entering a new relationship or starting a business from scratch using your gifts and talents, you will love this coaching segment!

Be sure to pop in a comment on the blog after you watch! We’d love to hear from you!

P.S. Want to explore private coaching with Diana? Go here:

How to Say No With Grace

Have you ever struggled with saying no? 

The whole ‘No is a complete sentence’ sounds great but in practice, if you’re at all empathic or a recovering people pleaser, it can be the hardest single syllable to get out. 

So, today I’d love to share some insights on this whole saying NO with the intent that it helps you stand in your Truth when you are on a date, receive a request from family or friends and even at work. 

The more you can dial into ‘saying No is not a dirty word,’ the prouder you will feel when you reclaim your time and energy. 

Nugget 1: When you say No to one thing, you say Yes to something else.

Think about it. It’s all a question of priorities. When you free yourself up from something that isn’t in alignment, you are saying Yes to something else that is, even if that thing hasn’t shown up. When I first learned this, it made it way easier to say no. So, if you struggle with it, ask yourself, “What would I be saying YES to by saying NO to this request?” Then, check yourself and see if that excites you! 

Nugget 2: You have to be willing to receive a No as much as say a No. 

Oooo this one really can mess with your head. Read it again. If you were brought up to always say yes, to put your needs last and to please others as a way of feeling worthy and deserving, then the absolute worst thing you can do is potentially disappoint someone with a “No.” If you say yes to things you don’t want to do in order to get approval or validation long enough, it can feel like the end of the world who you muster the courage to ask something of someone else and they say… NO! It can feel like a personal rejection, when really, they are just honouring their Truth. So, notice if you have strong emotions that come up when someone says No to you. Reframe that and when you can create space for hearing ‘no’ from others, it can become easier to say ‘no’ yourself. Because it’s not a prison attack or a symbol of how worthy/unworthy you are. It’s just how you or someone else feels. Respect it yo!

Nugget 3: Keep some ‘No’ alternatives in your back pocket

If you aren’t used to saying No and you’re asked to respond to a request on the spot, here are a few phrases you can pull out in case a simple “No” doesn’t naturally roll off your tongue:

  • “That’s an interesting idea. Let me sit with it and get back to you.” (This buys you time so you can process how you actually feel when you aren’t under pressure.) 
  • “I can’t give this the attention it deserves given my current commitments but I appreciate you thinking of me.” (Clear and respectful of both parties.) 
  • “I’m flattered you asked, but I’m going to have to pass this time.” (Short and sweet) 

The more you practice saying “no” when you mean “no,” the easier it will feel to say “yes” when it’s a full body YES!

And everyone benefits because there’s nothing better than being in the company of someone who is totally present and excited to be there. 

Q: Which of the three nuggets will you experiment with this week? What has helped you say No even when it’s hard? Share with us in the comments!

Ps: If you struggle with saying ‘No’ and want to learn more specific strategies to build up that muscle, consider private coaching! Go here to book a complimentary intro call with Diana. 

How to Deal with Nosy People

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever been on a weird first date, work or family function where people start asking you inappropriate questions?

They may come completely out of nowhere and catch you off guard. 

If you’re at all empathetic, you may be very attuned to other people’s feelings and have a hard time setting boundaries when faced with an unexpected question you just don’t want to answer! 

This could be anything from, “Why aren’t you married yet?” to “How much did you pay for that new car you got?” 

Or one or my favorites for first dates: “So… how long have you been on (insert dating app). Why are you still single?” 


So annoying, right?

Click here to hear my A to this Q!

ps: Healthy boundaries start with healthy self-love. Not sure how to do that? No fear! Check out 60 Seconds to Self Love: super short, actionable tips you can apply now to start building that self-love confidence!