
This is an Abundant and Beautiful Universe That Wants to Give to You – Are You Open to Receiving?

Sometimes the gift can have strange packaging! 

Maybe that guy you had the great second date with ghosted you.

Or the job promotion you thought was in the bag never happened.

It can sometimes be hard to keep an abundance mindset when your current circumstances are less than ideal.

But that’s exactly the time when your spiritual tools come into play. 

When you are open to seeing everything you receive as a stepping stone to your personal growth…and ultimate fulfilment, it becomes less personal.

You can let go of turning it into a story about why the Universe hates you. 

And instead…

You get curious.

You look for the things that it’s teaching you about yourself and strengthens your commitment to what you DO want.

Does it always feel comfortable?


Will you experience emotions like anger, annoyance and doubt?


But the muscle you’re building is the belief that everything you receive is there in service to your growth…not out to get you.

How would it feel to experiment with that belief this week?

What could you free yourself from?

Hit reply and share!

PS: If you’re ready to strengthen your self love muscle, you will love ’60 Seconds to Self Love!’ Check it out here

3 Signs He’s Commitment Material

Happy Tuesday! 

Today I take your questions:

Q: “Diana, I am ready to stop wasting my time with men that cannot seem to make a commitment or don’t want an exclusive relationship with me. How can I spot the guys that are worth going out with again so I don’t keep making the same mistake?” 

This is a great question and knowing these 3 signs upfront will save you so much time and heartache later. 

Ready to hear my answer? Watch below!

Q: Have you ever seen these signs or ignored them on dates? I’d love to hear from you!

Want to learn how to trust yourself in love more? Check out the self-paced NEW course 14 Days to Amplify Your Love Energy!

How Past Lives Can Affect Your Love Life

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever taken a spontaneous road trip with a friend? 

I recently did to go see Tyler Henry, The Hollywood Medium, from the Netflix show, Life After Death. 

It was an incredible experience and we stayed in a gorgeous Old Hollywood hotel founded in 1957 by none other than Lucille all and Desi Arnez!

Pics below!

Super classy and definitely from another time. 

I felt so at home there and one of friends said, “It’s like you should have grown up during the ’40s and ’50s Diana!” 

I didn’t disagree! Ever since I ca remember, I’ve been obsessed with the clothes, the music, the vibe!

The whole trip felt like a bit of a time travel and it got me thinking about a conversation I had with a client about past lives and how they can affect our love life in the present. 

Have you ever felt there was an unconscious pattern that you keep playing out in relationships that isn’t seeing you but still feels like you can’t shake? 

It’s quite possible you could be reacting from a past life programming that is keeping you a bit stuck now. 

Signs unresolved past life issue could be at play: 

  • a feeling like you can’t move forward from an old relationship, despite every effort you make
  • repeating the pattern of dating the same guy with a different face (even though socially. you have done all the work to not do this!) 
  • feeling ‘stuck’ creatively, like you have hit some kind of invisible ceiling
  • and more! 

But how do you start to clear the past life issue? 

It all starts by identifying what keeps happening that you don’t want to repeat. 

And also asking – hey, what if any past lives do I need to be aware of that could be affecting this pattern? 

Journal on that for the next week – -nothing at al may come up at first, but be open to receiving nudges and signs and asking away!

And here’s the kicker – observing yourself without judgement. 

Getting a past life healing or reading can also be incredibly helpful!

This is something I dive into deeper with private clients if the energy calls for it – to help them get unstuck! 

Knowledge is power!

Q: What time periods are you naturally drawn to? Have you ever identified any patters that seem to connect to it?

I’d love to hear from you!

Have a blessed week! 

What to Expect This April!

April is such a fast-paced month and I wanted to make sure you are ready for it!

Watch the April Forecast below:

After you watch, Q: What is one of your April intentions? Leave a comment and share!

Ready to take your love endure to the next level? Check out Amplify Your Love Energy self-paced course.