
Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

Law of Attraction Real Talk (And My Take on Attracting Unavailable Men!)

Happy Tuesday!

Do you believe in Law of Attraction? 

The other day, I was waiting in line to mail off a package at the post office and this woman was having this super loud conversation on her phone, going on and on about how she is so tired of attracting unavailable men. 

She’d been watching all these Law of Attraction videos on YouTube and kept asking her friend, “What is WRONG with me-why do I keep attracting them and why does the law hate me?!”

Now it wasn’t my place to launch into a coaching session right there, but it inspired this week’s post-so thank you random lady at UPS.

Law of Attraction can really confuse you when you’re dating. 

Dating is not for the faint of heart and it’s easy to lose confidence if you take it literally.

So, here’s my unfiltered take on Law of Attraction when it comes to this.

Have a listen below: 

PS: Are you ready to retire the pattern of attracting unavailable men? It starts by trusting your intuition, goddess! Check out, my self-paced course, Bullet Proof Intuition, to laser focus your super power! 

The Secret to Keeping a Man Interested in You

Happy Tuesday! 

Today it’s Q+A time and we are looking at one of they secrets to keeping a man interested in you.

It has nothing to do with manipulation, your looks or making yourself behave in a way that feels inauthentic.

It boils down to two key actions…and it will also keep you in emotional balance with yourself so you can see where things stand. 

Find out what they are in the video below: 

Q: Are you willing to give this a shot this week? Let me know how it goes by leaving a comment!

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

Why It’s Hard to Really Be Friends With an Ex

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever been friends with an ex? 

It’s a tricky subject and one that I’d love to address today.

When I was writing my book, ‘The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again,’ there were so many dating experiences that presented themselves where I tried very hard to be friends with an ex. 

Clients ask me all the time when we start working together: “Are you going to make me cut off ties with my ex?!” 

As a coach, I can never *make* anyone do anything 🙂 Everyone makes their own choices and too choices lead to different results – I do find it interesting that I get asked that though, because it’s like at a subconscious level, they know something feels a little energetically ‘off’ about maintaining the same connection they have with an ex, however friendly. 

But let’s dive in… 

Here are 3 important reasons why it can feel really hard to be friends with an ex to consider: 

After you listen: 

  1. Have you ever tried to stay friends with an ex? If it worked, what are some tips that helped you? 
  2. If it didn’t work for you to be friends with an ex, what are some tips that helped you navigate that or end it? 

I would love to have you share your wisdom with the Goddess community by leaving a comment below! 

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

3 Signs He’s Just NOT Into You (Move On Alert!)

If you’ve ever been unsure if a guy was just not interested in you anymore, you may be avoiding seeing these 3 simple but clear signs. 

I know because I overlooked them myself!

In my best-selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again, I share personal stories from my own dating life and one of them was about a man who I went out with fa few times. We’d been seeing each other for about a month and I couldn’t figure out why things weren’t progressing. 

I kept doing everything possible to get clear answers but looking back, he was showing me all two of the three signs I’m about to share with you, but I just couldn’t admit that he just wasn’t into me. 

It was embarrassing and if I had listened to the signs, I would have saved myself a lot of time and energy! Watch below! 

  1. He hasn’t made any future plans with you (even after you’ve expressed that you had a great time and would be open to seeing him again.)
  2. He stops asking you questions/taking an active interest in communicating with you. He may answer questions you ask vaguely or not at all…
  3. He tells you! (But you’re in denial or you convince yourself it’s temporary, so you try harder).

The more that you can listen the first time when these signs present, the easier it will be to stop pouring energy into this connection, free yourself and create space for someone who is interested in you. 

No more second-guessing, wishing or wasting valuable time, goddess.

If you’re ready to move on and attract the love of your life, go here to schedule a complementary coaching consultation with me.