
How to Sharpen Your Intuition Quickly (I Still Do This!)

Happy Tuesday!

Do you tend to doubt yourself when you get a ‘gut’ feeling about someone or something?

I tend to work with a lot of high-achieving, high-performing women who have shared with me on more than one occasion that they want to trust their intuition more in relationships, but there’s a tendency to go into their head and try to “figure it out first.”

When I press on a bit more, they share things like, “It feels really frustrating to have to always figure it out, especially if I’ve had a rough day.” “I wish tuning into my intuition was easier-is there a way to just automate it?!!” (That one made me laugh, but I totally totally get this desire!)

This is completely normal-we are taught and even asked by society and especially in the business world, “What do you think?” first. It’s a reasonable question, but it takes you completely into your mental space before anything else, which overtime, can make it feel very weird and sometimes challenging to drop into your intuition and get more clarity.

It can bring up overwhelm, pushing and self-doubt.

So, in the spirit of keeping things very simple for maximum impact, if you’re serious about shifting this tendency to go up in your head and want to learn how to dial into a gut feeling or nudge or even deciphering an intense dream you had, do this instead.

Watch below (less than 90 second video!)

And after you watch, let me know in the comments or hit reply and tell him how it lands for you!

ps: If you’re wiling to stop letting your mind go into overdrive, check out my new meditation (totally free) to help you now if you didn’t see the other email:

Blocked In (True Story)

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever had something happen so random that you never saw coming? 

Here in AZ, there was a powerful dust storm that swept through our neighborhood-it lasted maybe an hour, but in that time, the huge tree that sits outside the front of our home came crashing down.

When I opened the front door, the brand that broke had completely blocked the entrance and there was no way to get out that way. I had to go through the garage. 

I had been doing some massive Feng-Shui and of course, that’s where my mind went!

No! I can’t have it blocking our front entrance-that’s blocking opportunities coming in. 

Rob rolled his eyes. 

Not long after, a landscaper happened to be driving by-again, middle of the day, super seemingly random, but I don’t know that I believe in random. 

He said it looked like we needed help and offered his services. He was super grateful for the work and we were super grateful for him. 

And what I realized is that as that branch and possibly the entire tree get uprooted and removed from the property, I can choose to look at it from another perspective. 

Instead of going into my head, freaking out about how it’s temporarily blocking our entrance and “opportunities,” what if this was the massive removal of blocks to said opportunities and growth? 

Whoa…I’m telling you, I teach this stuff and there are days like this when Spirit truly reminds me who is really in charge. 

Q: What in your life is being removed or released right now? How can you see it as a blessing? 

Let me know in the comments below!

ps: Would you like to learn some practical things you can do to dial up your self-love muscle, so you can stay open to opportunities and stop pushing them away? Check out my self-paced audio course (short 60 sec snippets with gold strategies to help you be more magnetic now!)