This is an Abundant and Beautiful Universe That Wants to Give to You – Are You Open to Receiving?
Sometimes the gift can have strange packaging!
Maybe that guy you had the great second date with ghosted you.
Or the job promotion you thought was in the bag never happened.
It can sometimes be hard to keep an abundance mindset when your current circumstances are less than ideal.
But that’s exactly the time when your spiritual tools come into play.
When you are open to seeing everything you receive as a stepping stone to your personal growth…and ultimate fulfilment, it becomes less personal.
You can let go of turning it into a story about why the Universe hates you.
And instead…
You get curious.
You look for the things that it’s teaching you about yourself and strengthens your commitment to what you DO want.
Does it always feel comfortable?
Will you experience emotions like anger, annoyance and doubt?
But the muscle you’re building is the belief that everything you receive is there in service to your growth…not out to get you.
How would it feel to experiment with that belief this week?
What could you free yourself from?
Hit reply and share!
PS: If you’re ready to strengthen your self love muscle, you will love ’60 Seconds to Self Love!’ Check it out here.