Entries by Diana Dorell

I was so afraid of being hurt again…

Opening your heart again after being betrayed or hurt can feel really scary. There is this transformative energy in the air, especially with this past weekend’s Harvest Moon/lunar eclipse. Can you feel it? There is tremendous opportunity right now to let go of the heavy shackles that have kept you stuck from the past. A […]

hmmm..what would you do in this situation?

Happy Wed! Today is Q+A, where I take your questions and share insights to help our entire community. Today’s question: “The guy that just recently broke up with me wants to meet up with me. He made a point to let me know it would be “just as friends,” which is really confusing because I […]

before you close out the year, do this..

Merry Xmas and Happy New Moon Eclipse to you! Wow-it feels so special to be writing you on this double-whammy high-octane energy day.  What are you up to this Xmas?  I’ve spent Xmases single and sad, alone and ecstatic, coupled and wanting to be alone and coupled and blissfully together! I find that this day […]

i need some space

Happy Wednesday! Have you ever been dating someone and then, they go cold on communication out of nowhere? This can be so confusing and hurtful. Thoughts like, ‘Did I just screw up?’ What’s wrong with me?Why don’t they want to be with me? can come up. This question came in from our community and I wanted […]