Entries by Diana Dorell

this 1 question influences everything…

Are you making decisions from fear…or love? This question came up in an impromptu FB live I did on Sunday in response to the pandemic hysteria but, it can also be applied to anything. When it comes to relationships, so often we make decisions from fear. What if I’m not enough? What if it’s too […]

how to trust again after trauma

Have you ever experienced a trauma in your relationships? A trauma could include a betrayal of trust/cheating/painful breakup/unexpected death among other examples. And when that happens, it can be really hard to open yourself up to trust another and be emotionally intimate. The part of you that was hurt puts up a wall and suddenly […]

your magical march!

Happy March to you! If you are new to my world, welcome-I’m so happy you are here. Every first week of the month, I share a Goddess Guidance Oracle message so you can get a feel for what to expect in the month and tune into your own intuition too! March’s theme is “self-acceptance.” From […]

the paradox of nurturing

Happy Wed! If you’ve been in my world awhile you’ve heard me speak on feminine and masculine energy. When you have two people in their masculine or two in their feminine, the energy is neutralized and it’s often at this point when people call me saying things like: “He used to pay all this attention […]

what to do if he won’t stop texting…

It’s Q+A time, where I take your questions from the community. Have something you want me to answer for future posts? Go here to submit anonymously! Today’s question is about communication. NOTE: Even if you can’t relate to her particular situation, the advice shared applies to any relationship where you are feeling overwhelmed with a certain […]