True Story-How a dog taught me how to let go…and let in.

Can I ask you a question?

Have you ever had to let go of something or someone you loved so much because you knew it just time, even though you really wish it wasn’t?

Letting go is one of the Highest forms of love.

It says, “I trust that when i surrender my attachment to how it *should* be, I open up to what is in true alignment with my Soul

Yesterday I agreed to drive my mother’s dog from her ex husband’s home back to her.

They had shared custody of this cutie but now it was decided that she would take her back on a permanent basis.

It was super emotional.

Especially for her.

I could tell that she knew something was happening.

She kept pacing back and forth and when she saw her stuff being packed up into a plastic bag and a sheet laid down in the back seat of my car, her feelings were confirmed.

This wasn’t just another shuttle visit.

This was a goodbye.

On the other side of letting go is space. Space to re-invent yourself or take a pause.

It was swift, confusing and yet, in a way, cathartic in that a chapter had officially closed and a new one had just begun..

When we got to my mom’s house, she went straight to the carpet, ignoring her bed and just lay in the dark with her eyes closed for a long time. We left her like that and went to dinner.

It was like she was processing everything that had just happened to her and the people involved.

Dogs are such sensitive Angels.

I stayed over + woke up super early (5 a-freakin-m!) and I was greeted by a thumping at the guest room door.

It was her.

She has a way of thumping and thrashing her tail about when she gets excited about something.

She seemed to smile at me, filled with tons of energy even at this ridiculous hour and it was as if she wanted to say, “I’m okay! It’s over! It’s a NEW DAY! Isn’t it great?”

And I thought to myself…wow, how would it feel to be a dog?

What if we could love just as hard and unconditionally as they do and let go just as easily of the attachment and the suffering?

How could your life be different if you were like a dog?

I’ll let that question hang in the air for now…it’s Full Moon week after all!

Time to let go and let in.

Q: What is ONE thing you are letting go of this week? OR ONE thing you are making space FOR? Brave souls, post a comment and like this post?

Click here to sign up for free updates to help you rock your intuition and live a five-star fabulous life! 

3 tips to make a vision board that actually works!

Today I would love to teach you 3 crucial tips to making your own vision know, one that can actually work!

I organized a vision-board making/new website launch party last night complete with champagne (wheeee!) and led a fun *tutorial* to help everyone harness the powerful energies that are around right now to help you call in your desires!

And I would love to share them with you!

In today’s video you will:

  • Learn 3 things they probably don’t teach you in traditional “make a vision-board” books that make the difference between a pretty piece of art and a subconscious-shifting transformation!
  • Avoid the top mistakes I see that frustrate folks and slow their manifesting mojo down
  • See my new 1920’s-ala-Gatsby era haircut (I chopped off SIX inches! Hello new energy!)

Ready? Watch it below!

Q: Do you have a vision-board making tip that has helped you? Share your insights in the comments below!

It’s a new cycle and a new website!

Can you please help me celebrate + help more people love and trust their intuition and themselves?

Do this: Click here to TWEET the link and help me spread the word!

ps: Not on the newsletter yet and want more free videos to help you live a five-star life of freedom, joy and love? join us here!

3 phrases to call in what you want (and no, the Universe is not your bi&*$!)

Do you feel like some people have this magic formula that makes them manifest things with little or no effort?

They tend to draw things to them with ease and it’s got you stumped.

Do you wonder, what the heck is wrong with me that I am not like them?

First off, there’s nothing wrong with you.

I’ve helped my clients call in things like:

:: $1200 unexpected cash within 48 hours
::  the courage to end a relationship that they knew was over for years and meet a new partner that was fabulous for them!
::  new clients
and even the house of their dreams with the specs, price and everything!

Now, as cool as all that stuff is, I want to be clear that I don’t have a formula or a potion or anything weird like that. And neither do my clients (at least not to my knowledge!)

The secret?

The secret is to shift your energy so you become magnetic to the things you want. Not the stuff your Ego wants. But the stuff that your Soul wants. BIG difference!

And I found that if we really boil it down, it comes to 3 simple phrases.

There are 3 phrases to avoid and 3 phrases to cultivate if you want to truly shift your energy and draw in your desires.

I’d like to teach them to you.

So I made a video!

Are you game?

You will learn:

  • Why you’re not manifesting as quickly as you want even though you think you’re doing all the right things
  • The 3 phrases you must take out of your manifesting vocabulary besides ‘don’t’ and the 3 to add in if you’re serious about shifting your energy
  • An opportunity to dive deeper into manifesting magic + be one of those people you envy!

Watch it here:

Q: Which one of the 3 POWER phrases will you play with this week? Add in your declaration to the comments below + let’s see what happens!

ps:If one of the things you really want is L-O-V-E, register for my 4-week Call in Love with the Romance Angels class! Starts Feb 18th!. Click here.

Take a Class 2.jpg


what’s your personal year number for 2015? find out!

2015 is a year of abundance, expansion and freedom!

It vibrates to the number 8 (2+0+1+5=8).

I have not one but TWO videos for you!


Video #1: The Energy of 2015 (General)


Video #2: YOUR Personal Year Vibration 

And in addition to the energy of the Universal year, it’s important to know your unique Personal Year number so you can see how to capitalize on the opportunities coming your way!

How to calculate your Personal Year: 3 easy steps

  1. Take the month you were born and add it to the day you were born. 

Example: Someone born on January 1, would add (January-1+ 1=2).

  1. Take that single-digit number and add the Universal Year (8)==2 + 8=10 
  1. Reduce it to a single digit and voila, you have your Personal Year Number!

(10=1 + 0= 1 Personal Year)


Watch the video below to hear my channeled insights about 2015 and each personal year number.


In a hurry? Use the guide below for a quick overview of the themes in each.

Personal Year Themes

1:  creating a new path, forging ahead in a new direction solo, leaving the past behind for good

2: partnerships, compassion, peace-making and collaboration

3: creating social circles/joy, sense of community and communication

4: creating solid systems and structure, bringing in order to your life 

5:  travel, communications, learning about different cultures, beauty

6: family, grounding/putting down some roots, creating a sense of home

7: spiritual development, intuitive insights, redefining your priorities

8: abundance, expansion, mastering money and the material world

9: teaching, incurring knowledge, being a student of your life, expanding your awareness of cultures and differences in people




Want to learn how to SOAR this year and make 2015 your best year ever?

Click here to RSVP for my upcoming FREE training (January 8!) “Top 5 Common Ways that You Block Money, Love and Miracles from coming into your life!”


9 Mantras to Set the Stage for a Fabulous 2015

Are you ready to honor the energy you created this year as you usher in a new cycle for yourself?

I have TWO juicy gifts for you as we close out 2014! 

1)  9 Mantras to Set the Stage for a Fabulous New Year: 

Here are 9 *channeled mantras that you can say to yourself or write out or dance out (hell, the Divine works through us in whatever way we are called to express her!). 

  • It is safe for me to receive.
  • I now open to abundance in all forms from expected and unexpected sources.
  • I am limitless. All is possible. I believe.
  • I am lovable. I am worthy. I am whole.
  • I am free to be me. I am rewarded for being myself!
  • The Universe is on my side at all times.
  • I say YES even though I’m afraid. Guide me Angels!
  • As I care for my own heart, love comes my way.
  • I give up the dance of perfect. I choose to be present with the beauty of the moment. 

2) Want to get out of your own way this coming year? Sign up for my FREE training! (before you forget busy bee!)

I’ve been asked a LOT, “Diana, can you please share your manifesting secrets? What am I doing wrong to block what I want from coming to me?” I have heard your requests and I’m excited to help you! On January 8, I’m hosting a FREE training call: “The Top 5 Ways you block Money, Love and Miracles from coming into your life! (it’s not what you think!)” Click here to join me! 


Have a fabulous New Year and remember: enjoy the here and now. 

It’s all that’s promised to any of us.

Make the most of it.

The Angels and I are rooting for you!