True Story-How a dog taught me how to let go…and let in.
Can I ask you a question?
Have you ever had to let go of something or someone you loved so much because you knew it just time, even though you really wish it wasn’t?
Letting go is one of the Highest forms of love.
It says, “I trust that when i surrender my attachment to how it *should* be, I open up to what is in true alignment with my Soul
Yesterday I agreed to drive my mother’s dog from her ex husband’s home back to her.
They had shared custody of this cutie but now it was decided that she would take her back on a permanent basis.
It was super emotional.
Especially for her.
I could tell that she knew something was happening.
She kept pacing back and forth and when she saw her stuff being packed up into a plastic bag and a sheet laid down in the back seat of my car, her feelings were confirmed.
This wasn’t just another shuttle visit.
This was a goodbye.
On the other side of letting go is space. Space to re-invent yourself or take a pause.
It was swift, confusing and yet, in a way, cathartic in that a chapter had officially closed and a new one had just begun..
When we got to my mom’s house, she went straight to the carpet, ignoring her bed and just lay in the dark with her eyes closed for a long time. We left her like that and went to dinner.
It was like she was processing everything that had just happened to her and the people involved.
Dogs are such sensitive Angels.
I stayed over + woke up super early (5 a-freakin-m!) and I was greeted by a thumping at the guest room door.
It was her.
She has a way of thumping and thrashing her tail about when she gets excited about something.
She seemed to smile at me, filled with tons of energy even at this ridiculous hour and it was as if she wanted to say, “I’m okay! It’s over! It’s a NEW DAY! Isn’t it great?”
And I thought to myself…wow, how would it feel to be a dog?
What if we could love just as hard and unconditionally as they do and let go just as easily of the attachment and the suffering?
How could your life be different if you were like a dog?
I’ll let that question hang in the air for now…it’s Full Moon week after all!
Time to let go and let in.
Q: What is ONE thing you are letting go of this week? OR ONE thing you are making space FOR? Brave souls, post a comment and like this post?