Embrace the Paradox of Multiple Truths
Happy Tuesday!
Let’s cut right to the chase, shall we?
As humans, we like neat little boxes.
Our brains like definitive answers ad structure and compartments.
Not just for paper, but also for thoughts… and personal truths.
And when it comes to our most important relationships, sometimes, the reality is that there are multiple truths that occur simultaneously that seem to contradict each other.
He’s a great guy…and I’m not attracted to him.
I know this could be a great opportunity…and I know I can’t do the job for what they will pay.
I want to go out on this date…and my body is telling me I need to rest.
So often, we rationalize or fight with ourselves how this could possibly be.
And you end up doubting yourself, thinking the Universe isn’t listening and it can create a whole lotta unnecessary self-talk that is unsupportive of you calling in the love that you seek.
So…what to do?
Plain and simple, when you can honor all your Truths, even the inconvenient ones, and all the fun emotions that accompany those, it creates space for more aligned options to present themselves!
And each time you honor and express your Truth (into no one but your beautiful self!), you build up that self-trust muscle and self-confidence that makes you so damn attractive to everything your soul really really desires.
So, that’s your invitation this week gorgeous:
Q: What are 3 of your personal truths that want to be seen and expressed? You can think of a particular situation you’ve been wrestling with this week or just do general heart dump. Let it all come out-and you’ll be sure to find some interesting gems in there. BONUS points if you share a comment on the blog with one your truths!
ps: Do you struggle with negative self-talk? Want to turn that ship around now?
No Power, Getting Married in a Storm + a Reminder
Happy Tuesday!
How are you?
Wanted to share something with you today that I hope will invite you to open your heart.
In light of the recent events in Texas, appreciation for what I have in my life came up so strongly.
My father lives in Houston and he had no power or running water-and for the brief moments when I did get to speak with I’m on the phone before it went out again, he shared how the neighbors were all banding together to help each other with resources.
I reconnected with a childhood friend whose parents are also there and she shared how their local church was supplying water for others.
And finally, one of my fellow Goddesses actually had eloped and planned to be on the beach for her ceremony and got stuck in the storm-her best friend was flown in for the ceremony and because conditions were what they were, all three of them had to stay in one hotel room during her honeymoon!
Talk about an opportunity to get closer! What could have been a disastrous time ended up being a time to laugh, connect and enjoy an unconventional experience together.
But it brings me to this point: In any moment, we can choose something to appreciate or we can choose something to complain about.
And when it comes to love, when you are truly appreciative of the relationships that uplift you in your life NOW (friendships, family, work associates, clients, etc) you signal the Universe to send you more people that match that frequency!
It’s a great week to do an Energetic Inventory.
Here are two questions to journal on as we come to the finish line of February:
Q: Which relationships drain you and feel like you are compromising your authentic self?
Q: Which ones do you need to honor more? These are the ones where you feel like you are accepted and loved for who you are.
Have a blessed week and if you struggle with maintaining a positive mindset during challenging times, click here.
Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough when it comes to dating?
Anxiety that comes up after you don’t hear from a really great second date where you though for sure things went well?
Or how about when you have this awesome day and then one thing happens that completely derails your mood and you wonder WTF you can do to climb out of it?
No one teaches us how to love ourselves in these moments.
Self-love isn’t some luxury thing we only do when there is “enough money,” “enough time” or “enough (insert whatever you want).”
It’s right up there with physical health and maintenance – it’s emotional maintenance!
If you struggle with that (I certainly did!), I have found that it’s often the small, bite-sized things that we do consistently that really make a difference.
And self love is no different.
You have to learn to crawl before you can walk!
If you’d like to learn how to pull yourself out of a funk, support your emotional heart and feel more love for yourself so you can be there for the people you love, check this out: www.dianadorell.com/60sec
Have Trouble with Follow Through? I’ve Got You!
Happy Tuesday!
Today’s questions is about follow through!
Q: “How do I overcome a lack of follow through with accomplishing my goals? I’ll start out great-and hen get stuck, spinning my wheels in the beginning stages of implementation. I want to get out of my own way! What can I do?”
Watch below or prefer to read? Scroll down!
A: Often times when we experience a lack of follow through, there are a few things that could be going on.
1) Your ‘why’ isn’t compelling enough.
The truth is, anytime we attempt to move towards something we have never done or had before, in the beginning it will feel foreign, hard or weird, even if deep down, we know we want it. But if your reason for it isn’t compelling enough, staying stuck is actually safer than pushing through a challenge, obstacle like ‘not enough time, etc.’ without that strong “why,” it’s hard to keep going when things become less than ideal which they never really are.
2) The goal (or the plan to implement) is too big.
Breaking things down into manageable steps that your brain and body can handle is essential. Ex: I’m going to clean out the garage today becomes…I’m going to remove anything from the bottom shelf in the garage that needs to go. Get support from a friend or a coach if it’s a huge dream or goal. Chucking gives you space to have small wins, which is important when doing anything new to keep momentum up!
3) Let go of perfection.
Doing something new means it’s not going to be perfect. Take imperfect action and give yourself permission to f–ck it up. If you are doing it with a pure heart and good intent, then even if you make a mistake, trust that the Universe will send you the info you need to correct it, revise or move through it. Stop letting yourself get held back by the need to prove something, do it perfectly or avoid judgement. You’ve got this!
Q: Have you ever struggle with follow through? What helped you to move through it? Share with us!
ps: If you could use the extra accountability of a coach, I would love to support you! Go here to book a complimentary consult to learn more!