
Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

A Great Mantra to Banish Fear!

Happy Tuesday! 

I’m experimenting with sharing one of my favorite mantras with you each month to help you shift your energy in relationships.

Today, let’s talk about fear. 

Whether you’re in a relationship or looking for one, fear can rear its head and can be paralysing when you think about making any kind of change (even if the change serves you)!

What if I said the wrong thing?

What if I make the wrong decision? 

What if I’m just not good enough? 

A great mantra to help shift fear is: “Perfect Love Now Casts Out Fear.”

I first saw this in the great book by Catherine Ponder, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity and fell in love with it. 

It’s anchored in the idea that Perfect Love (Divine Love) is stronger than Fear that is constructed from our human mind. 

Where there is Divine Love there cannot be Fear at the same time, so essentially, you are choosing to stay in the vibe of love. 

How to use it:

In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how your feel.

Will you play with this over th week and let me know how it goes? Hit reply or share a comment! 

The more you can acknowledge the fear and quietly affirm that is has niko power over you, the easier it is to take action in your love life because you know you are safe.

And you are. 

ps: Have you pick up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here:

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

When You’re Out of Your Comfort Zone…

So, the words just fell out of my mouth. 

“We’ll host Thanksgiving this year!” 

I’ve never hosted holidays I’m mum entire life and I’m excited and also like…omg, what did we just agree to???! Can I just close my eyes, hide under the covers and come out on November 25th and have someone feed me leftovers? 

But…life would be super boring if it was a straight line and we never did anything out of the ordinary.

For me, being outside my comfort zone this year looks like hosting Thanksgiving. 

For you, it may look like getting on dating app when you swore you were never doing the app thing.

Or telling someone how you actually feel about them, thus opening yourself up emotionally.

No matter what it is, that underlying combination of anxiety and excitement is the same. 

And when you’re face with a situation you’ve never been in, or one that creates that energy, it’s key to keep the following in mind: 

  1. Each time you do something outside your comfort zone, you build your self-trust muscles. 
    • The more you trust that you can do something that scares you, the more confident you will feel when life throws you for a loop (and it will!). You’ll be more resilient and capable of moving through both the highs and the lows. 
  2. On the other side of your fear is your power. 
    • Fear may always be there to a certain degree and the ,more afraid you are, the more power is available to you on the other side of doing the scary, uncomfortable thing. Who doesn’t want to feel their full power? Move with the fear and let yourself be surprised!
  3. You’re making space for your next-level self to show up.
    • The most empowered, fabulous version of you is already inside of you. When you do the things that push you outside your norm, it forces you to tap into new thought patterns, resources and ways of being. Instead of saying, “Oh, I never (fill in the blank),” try saying “I used to never (fill in the blank)…but now…” Give yourself permission to write yourself a new narrative! 

Now, I’ll keep you posted next week on how Thanksgiving rolls out (ooo Hawaiian rolls-couldst’ resist, had to go there!). 

I’ll be taking the principles I shared with you above to heart myself. 

Q: Which one of the 3 speaks to ou the most? Leave me a comment and let me know!

Have a magical week wherever you are in the world!

Sometimes All You Need is a Break in the Pattern

Happy Tuesday! 

Before we dive into this week’s offering…I’d like to check in. 

How are you feeling post eclipse and 11:11 vibes? Did you notice anything coming up or weird dreams?

<We had an amazing turnout for the 11:11 Activation Night and the connection, downloads and energy were super powerful! We are still in the 11:11 energy corridor for about 24-48 more hours-if you’ve been wanting to get more clarity, you can still get the 11:11 Activation Night messages and Meditation journey, along with the Deep Journaling and Ritual ideas that you can use for any New or Full Moon. Go here (scroll down once you click and you can purchase Part 1-recording).>

This week’s question from the community: 

Q: I really want to start dating again, but every time I get to the point of possibly having a date, I come up with all kinds of excuses why this guy isn’t up to par and just sabotage it before it begins. I feel so tired after work and I don’t want to engage in a date so I default to watching TV and cancelling. I know it’s not getting me closer to being in a relationship but I can’t seem to stop this. What is wrong with me? What can I do to stop getting in my own way? Help! 

A: Thank you for reaching out! This is a very common scenario, and there are a few layers to unpack here. But the first thing I’ll say is there is nothing wrong with you. When I read the energy behind your question, the word ‘tired’ pops out. When we are tired (mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually), anything that our subconscious perceives is going to require MORE energy can be seen as a threat. An energy depletion. So it’s natural that if you are tired, having to be “on” with someone you aren’t comfortable with seems unnecessary. It’s self-protection but at the core of your question may be a combination of:

  1. Energetic Management: 
    • Find out what small tweaks you may be willing to make to your schedule so that you are energised by what you’re doing vs depleting at the end of the day. This will make it easier to have the bandwidth to actually discern whether a particular date is in fact your intuition telling you, Don’t bother. Or…just a not today because I’m exhausted but I’d meet this guy for a date tomorrow-kinda scenario. 
  2. Let Someone Else Play Bad Cop: 
    • To break the pattern requires doing different things. If it helps, have a friend on call the day you know you have a date. You can instruct them to call or text you before to remind you to check in with yourself and to get out of your house in service to your bigger why-which is to be in a relationship! Even if it turns out that you aren’t attracted to the guy or vice versa, you never know who that person knows and they may introduce you to your future husband. But you’ll never know if you don’t leave the couch. 

The more you can call back your energy and re-assess what is actually draining you, and the more open you are to receiving support, the easier it will be to silence that self-protective, well meaning saboteur and get out there to meet your Mr. Right. 

Q: If you’re reading this and you’ve been through something similar, what have you found helped you? What advice would you give the woman above? Share your comments on the blog and as always, know that you are beautiful, worthy and deserving of amazing love NOW! 

Have a great week!

Being in Your Feminine is Not This… (Dating Advice)

“I have to be in my Feminine to attract love right, Diana? So, why do I have to get specific?”

First off, you don’t *have to* be in any energy, but if you want to attract a primarily Masculine energy centred man, being in your authentic Feminine creates polarity, that sexual and energetic ‘tension’ that creates a romantic dynamic. 

Having said that, being in your feminine energy is never about being passive!

It truly drives me bananas when I overhear women encouraging each other to just “sit and wait” and not do anything at all to signal the Universe of their desires to be in partnership.

It’s a super delicate dance but here is one powerful thing you can certainly *do* while being in your Feminine energy that will actually help you attract romance without slipping into passivity…or over-giving. 

  • give yourself a weekly goal or intention. Notice I said give yourself (not the guy/girl). For example: Even though it felt weird at first, I asked one of my clients how many dates she would like to goon in the next week and she said “3” so she declared, wrote it down and even cleared out space in her week when she would be able to accommodate invitations. Within the next hour, a guy messaged her on Hinge and asked her out. They are going out this weekend. She was shocked. I was not. That is the power of declaring, being clear and creating space. 

Let’s break that down.

Step 1: She had to get clear.

How many dates? If she had been wishy-washy or passive like –I don’t know- however many the Universe wants to send me??? you can just feel the energy, right? Even writing it is like taking a super lukewarm bath-it’s not sexy and it’s not magnetising. IN order to get clear, she had to do gut check and/or body check-yes, maybe her head said she wanted 5 dates, but when she checked in with her body, she realized she only had energy available for 3. Take the time to slow down and get clear. 

Step 2: She wrote it down and made space in her schedule. 

She actively participated in the creation of her desire. If she ha said 3 dates but refused to block off or identify time when she could actually meet those men, she may have still called in those dates, but she could have been unnecessarily stressed or felt like she was overbooking or compromising in another area. Q: What needs to be cleared or sifted so you can actually receive what you’re for? 

Step 3: She stayed open to how and when. 

Sure, the intention was for the week, but she let go and trusted that she would receive feedback from the Universe via people at the perfect time. And she did! She wasn’t trying to control when it happened or how it happened. So she was a safe receiving space for it to come to her! 

The more you can actively practice these 3 baby steps, the easier it will be to stay constantly in your Feminine, without slipping into passivity and wondering why nothing it happening! 

Q: Which of these 3 steps do you need to practice? Hit reply or leave me a comment on the blow and let me know! 

ps: Who is coming to Hollywood this 11:11? Join me for my Winter Retreat! There’s still time to sign up! Click here