3 tips to stop settling for temporary ego highs and get what you want in love

How can you let go of the need for ego boosts (aka temporary highs or putting yourself in
situations with men that aren’t right for you/situations that aren’t right for you) and hold out for
what is really going to make your Soul and heart happy?

In this video you will learn:

  • What’s really behind the ego boost (it’s not what you think)
  • 3 super tangible tips to kick the habit of settling for the temporary high vs holding out for what’s really going to make you happy
  • The one mistake that keeps you repeating the same addictive pattern and how to kick it
  • And more!

Click below to watch

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don’t cheat yourself, you’re worth it (true story inside)

I’m going a bit off-the-cuff for this week’s blog and share a true story about not listening to your intuition and the results of that.

Are you game?

Have you ever been so set on changing a pattern that isn’t serving you that you decided to do something a little ballsy to mix it up, without any idea of what you were getting yourself into?

Yea…that’s what happened to me this past weekend.

I want to share this story with you with the intent that it serves you in listening to your own internal nudges, being vulnerable and valuing yourself in all areas of your life.

I’ve noticed with dancing that I am really great at solo dancing that requires technical and emotional skill. As a musical theatre actress-singer-dancer-turned-intuitive, I am well versed in ballet, jazz, hip hop and other highly technical dances. I know them. They are a part of my bones and I can do them in my sleep. I can hold my space and own it pretty easily.

Partner dancing where I have to totally surrender and let go? Not so much.

So, in an effort to dive into uncharted territory,  I signed up for tango.

And the day came (Saturday at 2:15pm to be exact) and it was 2:05 and I was literally thinking of things I had to do so I could justify not going to the class.

I had to eat.

I had to do laundry.

I was already late.

Well, the studio was literally a 2 minute drive from my home and something told me to just freakin go.

I got there late and everyone was already dancing in neat circles. (great! Maybe I should go! Don’t want to mess up their rhythm and what not…”My inner saboteur thought)

The moment I turned to leave, the instructor (husband of a husband/wife team) asks me to be his partner to demonstrate a step.

Does he know this is my first class?

He said, “Not to worry-just let me lead you. All you need to do is follow and trust.”

Sometimes the Divine speaks through people. Loud and freakin clear.

I started tearing up and my throat got really tight. Great…

Before I put my hands on his in position,I blurted out to him, “I’m here because I know how to lead…really really well. I suck at following and I don’t know how to let go in partner dancing, so that’s why I’m here. I have no idea what I’m doing.”

He just gazed at me, smiled and without another word, started leading me and the group to some Argentine guitar.

He could feel my arm get tense as I tried to push back and control when we took the next step.

He firmly and gently stopped me…and redirected me which pissed my inner leader off at first.

But after a tug of war that went on for a few more minutes, at some point, my inner leader just gave up. She was exhausted.

I let myself go.

And I felt as light as a feather so much so that I didn’t realize that the music had stopped.

He just looked up at me again and said, “It’s nice isn’t it? Being led. You move very well.” And then he went off to watch the others.

I didn’t have a response.

It. was. A-m-a-z-i-n-g. I signed up for four more classes. Baby.steps.

Spiritual takeaways:

Our Ego mind is terrified of following.

Of letting go of control.

Of sitting with the unknown, uncertainty, and land of no guarantees or immediate validation.

But the Soul isn’t afraid.

It knows that what you need is always provided for.

That when you show up for yourself even when you’re scared, you will always be supported.

What I’ve discovered is that it takes tremendous courage to surrender.

To let go of thinking you have it all figured out or that you have a set way of being or doing things.

Because the truth is you are always evolving.

You’re always changing.

And you can hold onto control or let go and let yourself be surprised at how Spirit catches you.

Q: So, what is one area where you have been afraid to let go of control? What would letting go of control look like in this area, feel like, smell like?

Can you commit to play with that feeling this week?

Love, Diana

PS: Would you like to come join me for a Fall Spiritual Message Circle Tuesday, October 10?

Come and clear out the negative, stuck energy with an energy healing meditation, hear a channeled message for the group and ask me + your Spirit Guides a question and receive a personal card for this Fall! $27 to join us and get clarity! Space is limited. Click here to reserve your seat!


A replay is available and you may submit your question via email 24 hours before if you cannot attend live.

True Story: Be Your Own Spiritual Center

August is a month of breaking barriers to love.
We have not one but two eclipses happening this month and to illustrate the themes, I’ve made a short video for you!
In the video:
:: you’ll hear a funny story of breaking barriers and outdated mode of spiritual centering (literally!)
:: learn when the two eclipses are happening and the energies of each of them in a very simple way!
:: the key theme that will be running through the entire month of August 
::a way to learn more if you choose!

Click below to watch it.

 After you watch, tell me in the comments..
Q: What is one thing you are ready to release or call in when it comes to love this month?
Want more?
Doors are now open!
Click below.

your 2017 spiritual message is here! open up

2017 is a powerful year of transformation!

Ready to make it your best ever?

In this video, you will learn:

  • What 2017 represents on an energetic level for you
  • How the 2017 vibration will affect:

your relationships, your body health, your finances, your career/business and your spirituality! ( we will look at each specific area and what to expect!)

  • Red flags to watch out for that can block your progress
  • The 2017 Animal Totem and how you can use their energy to assist you in your goals
  • The spiritual secret to ushering in miracles and opening doors for yourself and more!


Q: What is one challenge that you are ready to overcome in 2017? Share with us in the comments below!

For more, click here to get free weekly updates!

it’s time to wrap it up…the top 9 list

The Top 9 List (Goddess-style) of 2016

  1. Movie (Joy) starring Jennifer Lawrence, about the founder of the Miracle Mop and skinny velvet hanger, among other things. (The only movie I’ve ever watched and then immediately replayed)

Lesson: No matter how many setbacks life throws at you, your conviction for sharing your gift with the world wins out. Never give up.

  1. Sacred Success by Barbara Stanny

Lesson: When you make your decisions based on what supports your deepest, truest values, that is true success.


  1. Don’t Let Anything Dull your Sparkle by Doreen Virtue

Lesson: It’s safe to step away from anything that drains you-this is a loving act and it doesn’t mean you don’t care. Quite the opposite.


  1. Song (Rise) by Katy Perry


(I ended up dancing to this song over and over again in my living room!)

Lesson: It’s safe for you to be powerful and THRIVE, not just survive.


  1. Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver

(This is one that I read all the time, and will flip to a page when I need a message from Spirit!)

Lesson: Life flows better when you get out of your own way.


  1. Song (Love on the Brain) by Rhianna (sooo beautiful, although to be honest, I wasn’t paying too much attention to the lyrics as much as the Motown vibe)


Lesson: Love will make you do crazy things and is the most powerful force in the Universe.


  1. I am not your Guru (Netflix documentary) of Tony Robbins’ weekend seminar

(I watched this twice with my man!)

Lesson: Change can happen in an instant when you speak your Truth. Believing it has to take forever is an illusion to justify not being ready to take full responsibility for your life.

  1. Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix

Lesson: We attract a partner who perfectly mirrors our unresolved childhood agendas and wounds so we can heal them and love from a fuller place.


  1. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Lesson: Loving yourself is always the answer. (I’d like to take her out to coffee in 2017 as I feel we would have much to discuss on this topic!)


Your turn:

1) Which of the 9 lessons speaks to you right now?
2) What is one of your own top movies, books or songs that influenced 2016? Share with us in the comments!

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