before you close out the year, do this..

Merry Xmas and Happy New Moon Eclipse to you!

Wow-it feels so special to be writing you on this double-whammy high-octane energy day. 

What are you up to this Xmas? 

I’ve spent Xmases single and sad, alone and ecstatic, coupled and wanting to be alone and coupled and blissfully together! I find that this day can be very magical or very annoying depending on your perspective!

So often in the last few days of the year, it can be really easy to just gloss over things and focus on the upcoming New Year.

Which, don’t get me wrong-2020 is going to blow all our socks off in a great way (more on that in next week’s video) …

But it’s so important to sink in and spend a bit of time honoring and reflecting upon the year.

So you don’t make the same mistakes twice.

Or forget to honor and celebrate all the amazing shifts and wins and lessons you experienced so you can take that wisdom with you!

Can I help you finish out the year?

Block off 15-30 minutes for yourself.

Slip into something cozy and comfy.

And grab a journal and pen.

To make it easy, here are 4 of my favorite sentence stems to journal on before the bell strikes 12 midnight on Dec 31 wherever you are in the world.

1. What I’m most proud of from 2019 is….

2. One big thing I released from my life was…

3. My biggest challenge was…

4. What I’m most committed to and excited about creating for 2020 is…


1. Let yourself flow-don’t edit as you go (I’m so guilty of that!). Just allow your feelings to come out.

2. Clear distractions-turn off your phone and do this away from FB and social…seriously. You are that important.

3. Celebrate when you’re done! Blow out a candle, dance to Lizzo, make a meal for yourself. 

These 4 prompts can help you gracefully wrap up 2019 so you can float freely and lightly into 2020 and all its amazingness!

It’s been such an honor to share these weekly musings with you.

BONUS: If you feel guided, hit reply and share with me one thing that you’ve taken away from these tips. I love reading these!

I am psyched to continue to connect with you and help you be your most empowered, sparkly self so you can receive all the LOVE that wants to come your way!

Over and out, with lots of Goddess sequins and cue my exit music please <<<big band 20’s music will do just fine>>>.

See you next year!

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