i am open to receiving support

Last week, I led an in-person Goddess Circle in Arizona and it blew my mind.

I learned what it means to truly trust that it’s safe to ask for help and that it didn’t mean I was any less of a leader because I needed assistance.

Long story short, my back totally went out, like the day before I was scheduled to teach.

And ironically, the name of the class was “Aligning with your Divine Purpose!”

Seriously, the Universe has a sense of humor.

I was hunched over at a 90 degree angle like an old lady totally misaligned and I didn’t know how I would make it there but I just knew in my belly, I had to show up, regardless of the state I was in physically.

I said a hurried prayer and just said to myself, “I’m going to be open to receiving support. It will be okay.”

And I kid you not, once I fully, fully, FULLY surrendered it all, I was at a stop light about 10 min away from the event space.

1) I get a text: “Hey, I got here early (my friend who signed up). Want me to give you Reiki before you go on? I can also help with the chairs.”

I’m open to receiving support.

2) I walk into the space and within 5 minutes, another two Goddesses show up early. One of them offers me half her gourmet sandwich (she thought I might be hungry) and offered to help put out the altar and the chocolates and grapes I brought.

I’m open to receiving support.

I didn’t try to “be strong.” I openly shared with everyone that I was uncomfortable but that I was so excited to be there because teaching and sharing IS my Divine Purpose.

And as the night went on, I felt such a softening in our group-sharing was happening, Truths were being told and ideas were being explored in a safe container. 

I realized, when you aren’t trying to be invincible, you just get to BE.

And that is a much more aligned place to come from as a leader and in the Highest Goddess version of yourself.

I felt a weight release near my sacrum and to my amazement, by the end of the evening, I was able to straighten up more than I had in the past 2 days!
3) After the event, I received another invite to have energy work done on my back and the energy was buzzing with love and sparkly energy that comes when there is Flow.

I’m open to receiving support.

I realize how much we try to do this thing called Life believing that we aren’t worthy of support.

And how liberating it is to finally drop that.

I’m so grateful for this experience and I invite you to reflect on where in your life you have been trying to pretend you don’t need help?

Where could assistance support your Path?

Have an amazing week!

A great mantra if you struggle with speaking your truth

You will piss people off but…


Ps: it’s the perfect time to release and clear out the old! Join me for Full Moon Healing Salon happening on the Full Moon, Sunday, April 29 @5pm PST!

What you get:
*I will be leading everyone through a full moon energy blessing and energy bath with the Angels (think sparkly high vibe tingly energy and releasing all the shit that’s been piling up in your cells over the retrograde and past two weeks!)

*a group channeled Angel message

*everyone who signs up gets a Full moon Angel card pull!

 When: Sunday, April 29 @5pm PST

15 is the number of Divine alchemy and it is the number I’m maxing this at.

How much is it?

$33 USD. That is my favorite number and is also the number of the Master Creative! Everything is intentional!

Want to join the Sparkly Full Moon Goddess Spiritual Salon?

Go here: www.paypal.me/dianadorell/33

ps: I will put a message at the top of this post when the spots are filled! These will go quickly.

It will be recorded and you can email in your question if you can’t make it live 

what would delight you?

How would you like to….

:: go to Italy in the height of the summer season for $100 RT

:: manifest 3 hot dates with quality men in the same week

:: receive podcast and media invitations in 24 hours

The above are true manifestations and all three of them when I look back on the process (if you can call it that!) started with one major question.

Q: In this moment, what would delight me?

You see, there’s a buoyancy to the word ‘delight.’

It’s different than “In this moment, what do I want? What do I need?” Both of those are nice, but they are still so cerebral-too heady to be exciting to our emotional and spiritual bodies.

But delight?

With delight comes…a freedom and detachment from grasp that calms the nervous system, the calculating, well-meaning mental mind and opens you up to possibility.

And when it comes to manifesting love and amazingness in your life, it dials up your subconscious frequency to receive, not just what you are asking for but also subtle information from your intuition that will share what inspired actions you need to take.

And when to chill the f– -out too!

So, this week-try it out for yourself.

Experiment with “What would delight me in this moment?”

And follow your internal nudges.

You may have a lot of fun and when you can let the Universe delight and surprise you, you become magnetic to more.

Want to learn how to manifest like a Goddess?​​​​​​​Image

Join my brand new 10-day challenge: “Manifest Like a Goddess!”
Just before the holiday craziness kicks off!

Click here

It’s FREE and kicks off December 11!


how to boost your intuition in under 10 seconds

I did a podcast interview a few years ago on self-care and trusting your intuition and the woman asked me

Q: “What is something super simple that we can all do no matter how busy life gets to start off our day right to hear our intuition?”

If you are like most people, you may feel like aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on intuitive-development or self care.

What typically happens is we go go go like little hamsters and then when we can’t take it anymore, we overindulge in food, drink, even spa services and vacations when if we just implemented some simple strategies into our daily life, we wouldn’t go into what I call, “self-pampering binges.”

So I’m going to share the same simple but powerful offering you can do right when  you open your eyes to set yourself up to tune into your gut feelings throughout the day.

It takes less than 10 seconds once you get some practice.

I call it…The Soul Word.

Right when you open your eyes (before your monkey brain starts to take over), ask yourself, “What’s my Soul word today?”

Listen to the first things that come.

It could be thematic like “peace” or an adjective describing how you want to feel “centered,”

Just go with one.

And let that be the word that choose to embody for the next 24 hours.

Why this is so powerful:

When you embody that word, you get to make sure that your actions and choices throughout the day match that energy.

 It helps you ‘check’ yourself and you can more easily make decisions by asking, “Hmmmm, does this request/opportunity/invitation support my word?”

As you align your actions and choices and even your body posture (back straight!) with the energy of that Soul word, your monkey brain gets to relax…it feels safe because it doesn’t have to work so hard to sort through this and that.

The Soul word acts as an energetic guard-rail to allow you to feel more clear throughout the day and therefore, tune into the subtle nudgings of your intuition.

This week’s Soul Q: What is your “Soul word” today? How will you embody this throughout your day?

Want more? Click here to get FREE access to Soul Love, a 5-day ecourse to attract love + feel happy, loved and free!

Diana Dorell