the biggest block that keeps you stuck..

Are you ready to get out of your own way and start being the creator of your life?

The biggest block that keeps you stuck is not fear.

It’s a belief.

The belief that that you have to have the full script of what you’re asking for before taking the first step.

The Universe is smart.

If you got the full script, you could be too afraid to actually go for it.

Or you could decide you wanted something differently and try and bypass anything you didn’t like or want to experience on the way to get to the end.

After all, the hero’s journey involves twists and turns and those annoying karmic and Soul lessons.

It requires you to get uncomfortable, unmasked and occasionally be out of control to just trust.

The remedy: Ask yourself, what feeling would satisfy my Soul the most at this time?

Is it feeling secure?




Something else?

Start there. One word. Two at the most.

Then ask, “Okay, what’s one thing I could do right now that would bring me that feeling?”

That’s your next right action.

Then the Universe will go to town arranging the second action and third, etc.

An Example in Action: 

I had a client who was freaking out about whether or not she should leave her job and start her dream business. Everytime she thought about it, she felt excited but also terrified of not being able to support herself. All she could see was the either/or. The leave my job and start the dream. Or stay in my job and let the dream die. It was strangling her creative energy!

When she got quiet with me and did the exercise above, she got clear that her core desired feeling was to feel “planted and safe.” When we drilled even further, having 3 months of living expenses saved up in the bank and staying in her job while she built up her dream business on the side gave her the first full deep breath she’d felt in a long time. So for her the next immediate step was to look in the mirror and say aloud, “I am committed to saving up 3 months of living expenses and starting my dream right now. I am so grateful for my current job that is helping me feel planted and safe.”  That single step informed her choices for the next 3 months and gave her a sense of anchoring and freedom that helped her build her dream on her own terms. Awesome!

Q: What is one of your core feelings that you are committed to setting in motion during this week? Post your adjective (s) in the comments below!

10367159_10202795966319058_7431355893245143367_n-200x300ps: Are you ready to improve your communication + get what you want (without feeling weird or manipulative?) The first step is to know your Spirit Realm! We all have a “family” we belong to and when you know what yours is (and the realm of the people you care about), you know how to talk to them and how to feel understood. You’ll get more respect and you’ll stop giving your power away or takings things personally.

Ready to learn? Click here!

are you going through a shift? 2 crucial steps most people miss on their way to a breakthrough…

unnamedAre you going through a shift?

Are emotions coming up that you weren’t expecting?

Do you wish you could just skip all that and go to the breakthrough, fun stage?!

It’s only natural to want to move on as quickly as possible from a situation that makes us feel sad, scared or just well…not awesome, right?

It could be you’re going through the break-up of a relationship, the dissolving of a friendship or family connection, shifting gears in a job or business or having to move when you really weren’t ready to.

These are just some of the major emotional transitions that I see with my clients.

And let’s face it. 

Transitions are messy.

They aren’t linear and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to navigate them!

I hear things like, “I just want to move on! I am fine…I’m filled with love and light and I am a powerful being…” “I’m pouring my energy into work…it’s how I deal.”

I get it.

When there’s a gap, our Ego can’t wait to fill it with something. Anything to avoid the pain or discomfort, right?

It’s so natural to do that, but when we fill the blank space, you rob yourself of a beautiful opportunity to transition even quicker.

On the other side of a break-down is a breakthrough, provided you take these 2 crucial steps…

But to get to the breakthrough, most people try and skip over these 2 crucial steps…grieving …followed by an honoring.

What Grieving Looks Like:

  • giving yourself permission to cry, scream, laugh and yell without justifying why you’re feeling that way or worrying about “how long it’s supposed to take” 

hint: grieving takes as long as it takes….

  • creating space in your day to let it out + do the things above…
  • putting people on standby in your life that you trust for those moments when you just need to talk something through or hear that it’s going to be okay

It does not look like:

  • avoiding what you are feeling (that will eventually come back to bite you in the you know what…)
  • isolating yourself to the point where you are not taking proper care of yourself + upholding your responsiblities
  • doing affirmations to avoid feeling something you don’t want to feel or putting on a “spiritual happy mask.”  Affirmations are awesome when coupled with authentic, raw “this is how I feel right now” feelings.

While and after you go through the grieving stage of the situation that has changed in your life (which, again may take 1 hour or 1 month depending on how fast your energy moves and how much you allow yourself to feel it all), honoring comes next.

To honor something says to your Soul, “This event/person/situation brought value to my life/my growth and so I choose to honor that value, even if it’s hard for me to see in this moment.”

What Honoring Looks Like (A few examples for you!):

  • Having a “funeral” for a situation where you literally get dressed in black and light a candle and say aloud all the things you learned about yourself + how it offered value to your life. 
  • Make a list of all your past relationships + write down at least 1 quality from each person you dated that you really admired and brought something to your life
  • Go through your old home or your old desk, etc and carefully and lovingly call out the different items that really helped you in your journey up to this point. 

When you do these last 2 steps, Grieving and Honoring a loss or change, you create an energetic space for the Universe to rush in with new things that are truly aligned with you.

A new partner

A new client

A new home

A new job

So, in closing, do what 90% of people won’t allow themselves to do.

Feel your shit

Allow yourself to be vulnerable and raw for awhile 

and honor honor honor what it brought to your life

You’ll feel lighter and brighter in less time…and you deserve it!

Q: Which step do feel is more challenging? Grieving or Honoring? Why? What step could you take this week to move through a transition you are going through? Share with us!

ps: Did you enjoy this post? Share it with your friends or forward this along using the buttons below and sign up for FREE updates here to help you trust your intuition + have a 5-star life you love!

True Story-How a dog taught me how to let go…and let in.

Can I ask you a question?

Have you ever had to let go of something or someone you loved so much because you knew it just time, even though you really wish it wasn’t?

Letting go is one of the Highest forms of love.

It says, “I trust that when i surrender my attachment to how it *should* be, I open up to what is in true alignment with my Soul

Yesterday I agreed to drive my mother’s dog from her ex husband’s home back to her.

They had shared custody of this cutie but now it was decided that she would take her back on a permanent basis.

It was super emotional.

Especially for her.

I could tell that she knew something was happening.

She kept pacing back and forth and when she saw her stuff being packed up into a plastic bag and a sheet laid down in the back seat of my car, her feelings were confirmed.

This wasn’t just another shuttle visit.

This was a goodbye.

On the other side of letting go is space. Space to re-invent yourself or take a pause.

It was swift, confusing and yet, in a way, cathartic in that a chapter had officially closed and a new one had just begun..

When we got to my mom’s house, she went straight to the carpet, ignoring her bed and just lay in the dark with her eyes closed for a long time. We left her like that and went to dinner.

It was like she was processing everything that had just happened to her and the people involved.

Dogs are such sensitive Angels.

I stayed over + woke up super early (5 a-freakin-m!) and I was greeted by a thumping at the guest room door.

It was her.

She has a way of thumping and thrashing her tail about when she gets excited about something.

She seemed to smile at me, filled with tons of energy even at this ridiculous hour and it was as if she wanted to say, “I’m okay! It’s over! It’s a NEW DAY! Isn’t it great?”

And I thought to myself…wow, how would it feel to be a dog?

What if we could love just as hard and unconditionally as they do and let go just as easily of the attachment and the suffering?

How could your life be different if you were like a dog?

I’ll let that question hang in the air for now…it’s Full Moon week after all!

Time to let go and let in.

Q: What is ONE thing you are letting go of this week? OR ONE thing you are making space FOR? Brave souls, post a comment and like this post?

Click here to sign up for free updates to help you rock your intuition and live a five-star fabulous life! 

9 Mantras to Set the Stage for a Fabulous 2015

Are you ready to honor the energy you created this year as you usher in a new cycle for yourself?

I have TWO juicy gifts for you as we close out 2014! 

1)  9 Mantras to Set the Stage for a Fabulous New Year: 

Here are 9 *channeled mantras that you can say to yourself or write out or dance out (hell, the Divine works through us in whatever way we are called to express her!). 

  • It is safe for me to receive.
  • I now open to abundance in all forms from expected and unexpected sources.
  • I am limitless. All is possible. I believe.
  • I am lovable. I am worthy. I am whole.
  • I am free to be me. I am rewarded for being myself!
  • The Universe is on my side at all times.
  • I say YES even though I’m afraid. Guide me Angels!
  • As I care for my own heart, love comes my way.
  • I give up the dance of perfect. I choose to be present with the beauty of the moment. 

2) Want to get out of your own way this coming year? Sign up for my FREE training! (before you forget busy bee!)

I’ve been asked a LOT, “Diana, can you please share your manifesting secrets? What am I doing wrong to block what I want from coming to me?” I have heard your requests and I’m excited to help you! On January 8, I’m hosting a FREE training call: “The Top 5 Ways you block Money, Love and Miracles from coming into your life! (it’s not what you think!)” Click here to join me! 


Have a fabulous New Year and remember: enjoy the here and now. 

It’s all that’s promised to any of us.

Make the most of it.

The Angels and I are rooting for you!

Are you a Jaguar or a Pick-Up? Get the male perspective on love right here

  • Have you found yourself in less-than-ideal relationships?
  • Do you wonder if you’re doing something wrong and why you keep attracting less than what you want?

My client, *Andrew (name changed for privacy) shared some male perspective on this and his wisdom inspired me to write today’s blog post. Note: I have paraphrased and expanded on our conversation so that it is actionable and focused for you to read.

Diana: So Andrew, what piece of advice would you give to guys and gals out there who want to have an amazing relationship?


Andrew:  Ladies and dudes, you have to decide whether you want to be a Jaguar or a pick-up truck in a relationship. And guys, you have to know what kind of lady you are dealing with up front and be prepared accordingly. And it has nothing to do with what vehicle you actually prefer driving okay? I want to be clear about that. It’s a metaphor.


Diana: Um, okay, that’s very interesting. Can you elaborate a bit more on that please? What makes someone a Jaguar or a pick-up truck?

A: A Jaguar…

Okay, well, my girlfriend is super high maintenance and I mean that in the best way possible. She’s gorgeous of course, but she is high maintenance because she knows what she wants. And she has all these requirements about what she expects from me. And she calls me out on my shit when I mess up. It’s really annoying but I respect her for it.

And yes, she’s moody as hell sometimes but I put up with it because she always knows when she’s acting ridiculous and she’ll apologize and thank me for being patient and listening to her. And she’s incredibly generous. Sometimes she goes over the top with stuff like surprising me with little presents or crazy unexpected stuff. She listens to me and let’s me read comics even though she thinks it’s juvenile. But she requires a lot of attention. She’s a Jaguar.


Diana: Okay, so if I summarize, a “Jaguar” is someone who:

  • has requirements and standards and communicates that to others

  • calls people out when they’re crossing a standard or they aren’t being respected or treated well

  • incredibly generous and is attractive inside and out

  • requires a lot of attention but it’s well worth it!


A: Exactly! Okay, so then there’s the pick-up truck.


Diana: Yes, I can’t wait to hear this.


The Pick-Up Truck:

A: Okay, so if you or the person you tend to date is a pick-up truck, they are fairly low-maintenance. They don’t really ask for a whole lot and they have dents and bruises, maybe even lots of nicks on the bumper, but they’d rather just chug along than invest any money to get it fixed. They stay in the same beat-up, dangerous vehicle even though the light is on and there’s fumes coming out of the exhaust! Or worse, they try to do it all themselves and then what happens? One day they are on the side of the road in the middle of a rainstorm or something and the person they’re supposedly dating sees them… and keeps driving right past them!


In relationships, these are the people who just become doormats;  they just will give the guy or girl whatever they want without any thought to themselves or if it’s going to help them too. These people hate to be a burden but they always screw themselves and then wonder why no one wants to be with them for too long. I’ve been this guy and I’ve seen those kind of girl. It sucks!

Diana: Wow. That is pretty brutal but so true!

Andrew: I’m not really good at sugarcoating.

Diana: And that’s why you’re awesome. You just tell it to us straight. So, okay, let’s offer people some insight they can take-away from all this.


3 TIPS for YOU!

So, based on what Andrew shared,  here are THREE tips I came up with for those of you who may find yourself more on pick-up side than the Jaguar side.


  • If what you really want is someone who is going to stick around long term, you’re going to need to be comfortable with saying NO to all the losers out there that you KNOW are not worthy of being in the same room with you. Just say no. And if you feel awful or guilty, let those feelings be there and say no anyway. You’ll feel relief and it gets easier!


  • The sex is never that good that it’s worth sacrificing what you really want-someone who truly loves you and is fine with all of you, even the parts you are embarrassed about.


  • Act like a Jaguar, even if you don’t believe you’re one. Fake it for awhile. It works!


Your Turn:

What do YOU think about the whole Jaguar vs. pick-up thing? Any advice you have for either “car?” Post your comments! Would love to hear from you!


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