
4 Steps to Activate Your Masculine and Feminine (Blast From the Past!)

Happy Tuesday!

Have you been go-go-go, driving yourself mad trying to do it all lone, wondering why you seem to be manifesting slowly or not at all nd getting exhausted in the process? 

This is the negative aspect of the masculine. The positive one is taking Action and being cleared responsible for that action. 

On the opposite side, have you been so passive and stuck in your head or emotions that you feel paralysed to take action for fear that it won’t work out or that you will be judged? 

This is the negative aspect of the feminine.

The positive one is Tuning in and opening up your receptivity, connecting to your inner Wisdom before you act. If you are too much in one energy, life feels really really hard. But when you can tune into yourself (your feminine), then the actions become simple. (your masculine). They work together in harmony and you feel calm inside, even when what you’re dealing with is really challenging. 

To illustrate how both energies operate in an everyday life scenario, can I share story that happened to me literally 10 years ago when I was first beginning this journey? 

I was in the first feyyears of my intuitive business and signed up to do numerology readings at a spiritual fair in Arizona. 

Check out the pic I found!

#1: Know what you’re asking for

Before the fair, I sat in Meditation and felt myself connecting to so many people. (Feminine) I tk the time to feel the energy of love coming out of my heart chair to theirs and receiving love back if they were sending it to me. It made me giddy and excited and Felt lots of warm energy ad Angels around. From this place, I also got clear that I wanted to attract in people who were ready for the work and who were willing to invest in themselves/saw the value of the services I was offering. (The Masculine). I would stay open to who I was meant to serve and trusted that they would come (Feminine) and would remember to hand them a flier about my work and events (Masculine). With that, we packed up and wen to the Fair. 

#2: Trust your feminine, then activate your masculine.

I was at the fair for many hours and there were inevitable slow periods so y assistant an I would take turns being at the booth. (And you guys know I go a little stir crazy if I am asked to sit for too long) so I decided I’d walk around to see the other vendors, treat myself to a reading or a gift, explore, go get more water, walk out for a moment to feel the sun, etc. 

Well, whenever I’d come back, my assistant (with a big smile on her face that said, “I’m trying to figure out how to say this nicely.”) said, “Diana, every time you walk away and go explore, the people come and want a reading from you but you aren’t here. One woman came back twice. I wasn’t sure what to tell her.”

Ok. Pause.

At the start of my journey,  I would have chained myself to that booth chair for fear the I would “not be available or miss out somehow.” I would have sacrificed my well being and done readings even when I had no water, ad o pee or my stomach was growling because I had skipped lunch to help people. I went back to my original intention around trusting that the people I was mean to serve would be there and I would also be pro-active in sharing what I could help them with if I felt that nudge within.

#3: Receive divine confirmation + stop questioning it (and yourself) 

Ironically, this older woman came back (and my assistant was the one wandering now.) She was distraught, a little scattered but very happy to see me. She didn’t say anything except to ask timidly, “…Are YOU….???” I just smiled and replied, “Yes I am. Nic to meet you!” She mentioned that she had been waiting from. But then something unexpected came out of my mouth. 

Before I had her sit down, I (well, really the Angels/Spirit) started chatting about how I had just treated myself to a reading with woman on the other side of the room from me and how fabulous she was. I just kept babbling on and on about wonderful this other reader was. The older woman’s eyes got wide and she said, “Oh, does she charge money?” I said, “I think it’s by donation but not required.” And she said, “Well, I have to go see her then! I don’t have any money!” And off she went. 

#4: Trust that when you honor your feminine, the masculine can show up for you!

Now, I know some of you may be sitting there thinking, “Diana, that was silly! You just turned her away!” But my intuition knew better. There was a reason why that came out of my mouth. I was not meant to serve her. ad she could be better served with this other reader. And it was no accident that each time she came by, I was unexpectedly “out of the office.” 

Not surprisingly, after I had my luxurious lunch, had received a mini reading for myself and replenished my water bottle, I attracted LOTS of people, some of who did get a reading and others who I am considering partnering with to help other men and women! The best part? They gotAL of me. Not the over-giving Diana who was exhausted. The full, sparkly Goddess version of me, which is where I do my best work and have the most fun! 

It all comes back to you. You can have what you really want!

I also remembered my intention: I choose to only attract people who I am meant to serve. I got exactly what I asked for. And I truly believe that the reason why was that I didn’t let my mind, any fears or other people’s opinions or beliefs override my own inner wisdom. 

I believe you can have what you really want and are willing to commit 100% to also. It takes trust, practice, with, yes. But if you can stay in the middle, which is knowing where you need to activate (turn up your masculine) and where you need to simply hold space and let it be (turn up your feminine), life can be pretty sweet!

Q: What is one thing that you are taking away from the story? Share with me by leaving a comment!

PS: Want to calm your mind and tune into your feminine, intuitive nature? Check out the mediations and course in my Goddess shop!

The Death of Your Single Self…

Happy Tuesday!

I was speaking with a good friend the other day about the progression of being single, to dating again, to being in a relationship, getting engaged/making a commitment and one of the things I feel like no one really talks about is the death of your single self. 

That transition from being with yourself only… to being with yourself and another person. 

From complete and total independence…to interdependence.

There is a mourning that may need to happen in that transition that I feel gets ignored. 

A death of one identity as the new one takes shape and yo begin to navigate yourself in it, someone else!

And this isn’t just with your ‘relationship’ status.

It could be with your job. 

Or your place of residence.

It seems everyone I speak with these days is gong through some kind of death/rebirth!

It’s beautiful, it can feel messy and it will be so much more impactful if you allow yourself all the feelings that arise when going from one stage to the next.

As you’ve probably guessed by now, I don’t necessarily have a neat and tidy 5-steps to mourn your single self post for you today. 

Today is about simply opening up the conversation with yourself and exploring:

  1. Where do you feel like you are transitioning in your life?
  2. What feelings arise when you imagine releasing one identity to birth another? 
  3. What comes up for you around your current relationships and what do you fear you will lose if you merge deeper with another? 

Deep questions, yes!

I’m curious to see who actually pulls out the journal-if you are one of the brave ones, hit reply nd let me know one gem that comes up for you! 

ps: Want to take a love journey with me? Doors are officially open for 14 Days to Amplify Your Love Energy! It’s not too late to join us. Go here to sign up and I’ll make sure we get you all the things you need to hop in!

Say Thank You to it All…

When you don’t know what else to do, say thank you. 

One of my favorite authors, Tosha Silver, talks about this a lot.

The idea that when you start to feel yourself slip into a negative mind loop, or frustration that instead of doing a thousand mantras, first get quiet and say thank you.

Thank you for the challenges.

Thank you for the guy who ghosted you after the perfect 2nd date. 

Thank you for all the weight gained.

Thank you for the anxiety you feel around your job.

Thank you for all of it.

I know it sounds crazy, but just do me a favour-give it a go for a week.

See how you feel after you voice it aloud.

“Thank you Universe for…(let ‘er rip!)”<let ‘er=”” rip!=””>

You may find that energy lightens up and things have space to move and shift. 

Q: How did it go for you? I’d love to hear how you feel by the end of the week! Share a comment if you feel guided and if you haven’t already picked up your free self-assessment: 7 Things That Are Blocking Your Heart’s Desire, click here

Needy, needy, needy

Happy Tuesday!

The other day, I was speaking with a girlfriend and she was complaining about how her partner, who adores her, doesn’t like to give her shoulder or foot massages when she was tired from working-when she tried to confront hime about it, he just said it “isn’t his thing-he doesn’t like feet.”

Regardless of whether or not her partner was interested in giving her massages, I could tell they were totally in love with each other otherwise. 

Was all hope lost? she asked me. 

Not necessarily.

It just highlighted a very important value for her-physical touch.

No one person can meet every single need-that’s not realistic, nor is it healthy to expect that.

So, I invited her to explore options-was there something else that would give her the same feeling of receiving a massage from her partner? 

At first, she was resistant to the idea, and then she got quiet and said-“You know, I really just want to feel his body near me-not necessarily in a sexual way but it makes me feel calm and connected.”

So, really it wasn’t even the massage itself tat was the most important-it was the feeling of…calm and connection. 

She got creative and saw different ways she could feel that way with him that didn’t require him to give her feet a rub and also ways she could give that to herself.

Some of the things she came up with?

  • asking for him to hold her hand while she was taking a bath (not every time but once in awhile). He agreed right away!
  • for herself: turning off her electronics an hour before bed and getting a weighted blanket
  • listening to sounds of the ocean as she wrapped up her work day and slipping into fuzzy socks
  • touching feet under the dinner table while talking about their day. Another easy win for him and her!

The fun part was hearing about how much more intimate their relationship felt even after a week of just making a few tweaks.

And what made me laugh out loud was that he bought her a foot and leg assuage thing to use whenever she wanted! (and I’m sure would agree to hold her hand while she used it!)

The takeaway here is two-fold:

  1. When you get creative with discovering the feeling you are desiring behind a need, it’s way easier to come up with ways to get those needs met.
  2. When you take ownership of your needs and stop assuming one person to be your need–machine, they are more likely to step up to want to make you happy!

Q: What is one need that has been calling to you to address? What is one creative way you could get the same feeling? Share with us!