
5 Signs to Leave a Relationship

Happy Tuesday! 

How was your weekend? 

Did you remember to do something special for yourself? 

It could be something simple like taking 10 min to just read a book you’ve been meaning to. Or to just breathe and bestill and stare at the ceiling fan to calm your brain!

It’s so important, Goddess.

Today’s Q+A circles around a breakup potential of a relationship: “Hey Diana, I’ve been in this relationship for not that long but all my friends tell me to break up with him. I feel like I’ve been in and out of so many relationships an I don’t want to throw in the towel, but things have felt so tough. How do you know for sure when it’s time to leave a relationship? Please help! Thank you in advance!”

This isn’t a black and white ind of answer, but if you’re in a situation where you’re not sure to consider leaving, here are 5 signs that it may bedtime to consider moving forward with the breakup.

It’s never easy to leave a relationship, even if you now in your heart it’s time. 

But watching out for these 5 signs can help you assess your situation to make the decision a bit more clear. 

Q: Which one of these signs sticks out to you the most? What advice would you give someone considering a breakup? 

Leave us a comment and let us know!

Are You Ready to Feel Free in Your Relationships? July Message Inside!

Happy July to you!

With all the change and upheaval from June, you may find yourself ready to take a long…deep breathe. 

A lot of you have shared with me that you’ve let go of relationships that weren’t serving you, you may have upgraded your communication and also boundaries and now, you may wonder, what’s next?!

There may be a space between, a corridor from where you were…to where you’re going when itches to your relationships and in this space, a lot is up for debate. 

What do you believe?

What has your full heart? 

What do you just not care about anymore no matter how much you used to before? 

Can you give yourself room to grow, even if you’re not sure what is going to happen? 

Click below to access the July Oracle Forecast video to learn more about the energy of this month!

And remember-you are as free as you believe you are.

And the Universe loves you. 

PS: Would you like to make major strides in your feminine attraction and call in a deeper level of love? Book an intro to Coaching consult call here!

If You’re Gonna Break Dishes, Use a Garbage Liner! (Q+A Time!)

Happy Tuesday! 

Today, I take your Goddess questions from the community.

It’s officially Q+A time: “Diana, do you have any creative or spiritual tools that can help me let go of anger towards my ex?”

A: Oh, you betcha! Here are 4 things you can do…

  1. Break dishes ( just use a garbage liner!). Imagine all the anger going into the dishes and you can declare all the things you need to say to your ex and then ask that it will be offered and released to the Divine through the breaking of the dishes. 
  2. Break a coconut (learned this from Tosha Silver) – similar process as dishes – but you can break a coconut in a safe place. NOTE: Discard the coconut after and don’t use it for anything else! 
  3. Write a letter, voice it and burn it. Don’t hold back Goddess! Say it all – voice it in the mirror, imagining your ex is in front of you and burn it symbolically releasing the energy hold on you.
  4. Cut energetic cords! When we hold energy with another person, we form energetic ‘cords’ that looks like ropes to them and they us. Cord cutting is a process I describe in my book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again and while cords of Leo can never be cut, toxic ties can. This frees up your energy and also the other person if they are open to it!

All of these can assist you in moving energy with an ex or any situation, belief or person that you’re ready to move on from. 

Q: Which one of these will you play with this week? 

Let me know by leaving a comment and if you would like assistance in your specific situation, go here to book a coaching consultation or intuitive reading.