
Don’t Skip This!

As we approach the last week of 2022, and into the home stretch of Holiday craziness, I invite you to give yourself the space to reflect on the past year in a simple, yet powerful way. 

One of my favourite things to do is have a journal session with Spirit. 

I get my holiday spice tea ready, I shut my door and light a candle, ready to dive deep. 

I know you may not feel like you have a lot of time to journal or may even encounter resistance around this, but even finding a few minutes of quiet time can benefit you! 

Some of the prompts that you may consider journaling on:

  • A moment that tested me this year was…
  • I am so proud of myself for…
  • Something I now realize about myself is…
  • When it comes to relationships, a lesson I learned this year was…

A few tips to have the most impactful session with yourself: 

  1. Write by hand vs. typing (it actives your subconscious mind) 
  2. See how it feels to just go for about a paragraph. Go beyond just the surface answer to the prompt. 
  3. Release judgements of what you write-give yourself  permission to be honest and just express what you need to express!
  4. Set the tone: get a yummy beverage, shut off distractions and notifications and let your family, friend, roommate, etc know you will be unavailable for the next 15-30 minutes, etc. 

Have a beautiful holiday week and no matter where you are in the world, I want you to know that you are exactly where you need to be. 

You are loved. 

And you are enough.

See you next year and thank you for being in my Goddess world! 

A Simple Shift Can Open Up Your World

Happy Tuesday!

Did you ge a chance to see the gorgeous full moon this weekend? 

It was hauntingly beautiful and here in AZ we had almost every type of weather you can imagine over 48 hours.

Blinding, hot sun.

Monsoon rains and humidity to follow.

And last night, there was the whole thunder and lighting and wind shebang.

It was like the Earth was rolling through all her emotions!

Right now, there may be rumbles happening in your life too. In your relationships.

But any shake-ups are way-ups.

Where can you go about it differently? 

How can you see a new perspective? 

Who do you want to be and how can you embody that more? 

One question you an ask yourself when something confusing, weird or just plain out of nowhere comes into your orbit is… “What COULD this mean?”

This is a very simple tweak in language.

Most of us are taught to ask, “What DOES this mean?”

But when you change it to could, you tap into curiosity. Possibility. Non-linear thinking. 

New insides could resent themselves with could.

So this week, let’s keep it simple. 

Will you play with this question? 

What could he have meant by that text? 

What could I do if this situation? 

What could…

Wishing you a wonderful week! And if you’d like to step into more joyfully receiving, join me for EMBODY: 21 Days to Expand Your Capacity To Receive! 

The first lesson dropped yesterday so you won’t be behind and you can go at your own pace. 

Check it out.