
It’s Go Time

Maybe it’s the end of the month vibes, but I’m all fired up today as I write this to you.

It’s go time. 

At some point, you just have to decide. 

Decide you’re available for more. 

Decide that you’re done tolerating XYZ once and for all.

Decide that you are worthy. You are smart enough. You are deserving of a beautiful, fulfilling and nourishing life and relationship.

Do you hear me? 

No one else is going to decide that for you.

Sure, your friends may tell you how great you are. 

You may like Instagram memes that tell you you are fabulous.

But if  you don’t decide… like really really decide way deep down to only to be available for what it is you keep saying you want. 

Well… I’m calling your bluff. 

It will fall flat. 

You are just spinning your wheels.

It sounds good. 

You’re ‘making progress’.

But you could just skip all that BS and decide. 

So I ask you, the brave ones reading this…

When it comes to love: 

Q: What are you available for? 

Q: What are you not available for? 

Q: What are you deciding right now? 

Hit reply and tell me. 

Leave a comment.

Declare it Goddess! 

Sermon over.

Feel free to roam the cabins. 

Your thoughts create your reality (true story from the trenches!)

Happy Tuesday!

We are smack in the middle of Mercury Retrograde, until June 22nd, a perfect time to: 



*re-commit to what is most important to you. 

When it comes to relationships, it’s so easy to feel insecure. 

If you’ve been single for awhile and then get into partnership, this can bring up a lot of fears, even though it’s what you’ve said you wanted!

Have you ever felt just well…not good enough?

Doubting yourself and why someone is with you?

You are not alone AND you, my dear Goddess are so powerful. 

Your thoughts are powerful.

And you can use them to create, change and shape your reality.

I would love to share a story with you from the dating trenches. 

It’s about a woman I knew named Sandy (names and details have been changed for privacy).

What she discovered was so incredibly powerful and it applies to not just dating but all areas of your life where you feel a bit out of sync with yourself and the Universe. 

Click here to read it!

ps: Have you taken the love self-assessment yet? Click here!