
This Will Make You Laugh (True Story)

Hi Goddess!

Happy Tuesday!

Have you ever had an unmistakable sign from the Universe? When it comes to love, I felt like a good chunk of my dating life, I was “spinning” and trying to make things happen. I was very much in my masculine energy.

This was helpful when it came to work and being productive, but when it came to attracting partners that really appreciated and loved me…. not just for what I did for them but for who I was, I kept striking out.

In the early 2000’s, I was also dating this hot Navy lieutenant long-distance who was exciting but I never knew where I stood with him.

Around the same time, I was first introduced to Angels and intuition and all that “woo-woo” stuff by a good friend named Zack. (Zack if you’re reading this, I know you will smile!)

I thought it was super silly but one night really reminded me of the power of surrendering, especially in love.

If you’ve been in my world awhile, you may have heard this story before but it’s a great one to remember if you’ve forgotten how loved you are, have been trying to do it all yourself and need a little nudge to reconnect.

Full disclosure: I haven’t shared this video in a long time. My hair is well, different than it is now. It is from a submission video I made to Hay House way back in 2010 about the power of intuition, trusting and asking for Divine assistance in dating. Since that time, I’ve spoken on numerous stages where I look wayyy more polished, and “together” but my heart and intuition said to share this raw one with you today.

After you watch it, I’m super curious:

Q: have you had a similar experience that required you to trust and question your own beliefs around love and being supported?

Hit reply or leave a comment underneath the blog. I’d love to hear from you!

Watch the video below:

How to Let the Divine In (Manifesting Secrets!)

Happy Tuesday!

What do you do when you’ve done all you think of towards manifesting your heart’s desire?

You know you shouldn’t attach to the outcome and you want to surrender, but what does that look like?

I call this last step, Inviting the Divine in.

Basically, getting out of your own way.

Want to hear a true story of the Divine in action + two tangible things you can do to invite in surrender? Watch below:

Q: What is 1 insight that came up for you as you watched this? Share by leaving a comment and if you’d like to manifest and release energy from 2023 to make space for an amazing 2024, go here to join Winter Magic: A Winter Solstice virtual retreat! There are still a handful of spaces left.

A Simple Mantra to Help You Calm Yourself When Relationships Get Cray!

Hi Beautiful!

How is your heart feeling?

If you’re reading this on Tuesday, I am in gorgeous Paris, France on the last few days of a dream vacation I’ve been planning for years. It’s weird being thrown into a totally different environment and language, but change is so good for our Soul.

One of the things I’ve been asked a lot in my private coaching practice is “how do I calm my nerves when I feel uncertain about where the relationship/situation/etc is going?”

It can be really easy to want to go into the mind and try to control things, but that’s so exhausting, isn’t it?

One of my favorite mantras you can say aloud by putting your hand over your heart is from Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion.

She helps us to be more centered with ourselves and come from a space of grounded grace vs. reactivity.

It is “Om-Mani-Pad-Me-Hum.” Pronounced as “ohhhhhhm-manee-padmeh-hoom.”

Try it.

Three times. Let it vibrate through your chest and being.

My clients have shared that it feels like a huge release. Relief. And reassurance. Warmth.

What does it feel like for you?

Give it go next time you feel anxious.

Have an amazing week and remember to take good care of yourself. That’s the easiest way to magnetize high-quality relationships and opportunities!

I’m sure I’ll be sharing some pics from my trip next week, so for now, breathe, reboot and I’ll see you then.



Where Do You Need to Broaden Your Lens in Love?

Happy Tuesday!

Are you ready to receive at a greater level, especially when it comes to your relationships?

As I mentioned in the September oracle video, this is a month where you can see rewards from work based from pure intent and service and I believe that includes the inner work.

How are you speaking to yourself?

Where can you judge another less?

Part of what keeps us contracted with receiving in relationship is our inability or unwillingness to see things from a higher lens.

When you’ve been hurt before, it’s easy to tell yourself a story that things are just “always going to be like this.”

Or “men cannot be trusted.”

Or whatever the narrative is.

But to bust out of that inner prison, one thing that I’ve found helpful is to use mantras along with writing down fears that come up around believing that mantra.

This month’s mantra is “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

When you are open to seeing more than one possibility and receiving, you broaden your lens and potential for intimacy, connection and understanding can increase.

So, if you like journaling, before you use this mantra, I invite you to reflect on the following:
Where have I been pretty fixed on seeing X person/situation/etc in one way?
What could shift if I allowed myself to expand my lens?
Where would I like to receive more but feel unsafe to?
Now it’s your turn (if you want to try this mantra!): “I am open to receiving and seeing infinite possibilities.”

How to use it:
In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Have a beautiful week, Goddess!

ps: If you’re ready to expand receiving around abundance and possibilities in all forms, check out this gorgeous amethyst bracelet set by Conscious Items. For each purchase, this company will plant a tree! I love that and am excited to be partnering with them.