
Being in Your Feminine is Not This… (Dating Advice)

“I have to be in my Feminine to attract love right, Diana? So, why do I have to get specific?”

First off, you don’t *have to* be in any energy, but if you want to attract a primarily Masculine energy centred man, being in your authentic Feminine creates polarity, that sexual and energetic ‘tension’ that creates a romantic dynamic. 

Having said that, being in your feminine energy is never about being passive!

It truly drives me bananas when I overhear women encouraging each other to just “sit and wait” and not do anything at all to signal the Universe of their desires to be in partnership.

It’s a super delicate dance but here is one powerful thing you can certainly *do* while being in your Feminine energy that will actually help you attract romance without slipping into passivity…or over-giving. 

  • give yourself a weekly goal or intention. Notice I said give yourself (not the guy/girl). For example: Even though it felt weird at first, I asked one of my clients how many dates she would like to goon in the next week and she said “3” so she declared, wrote it down and even cleared out space in her week when she would be able to accommodate invitations. Within the next hour, a guy messaged her on Hinge and asked her out. They are going out this weekend. She was shocked. I was not. That is the power of declaring, being clear and creating space. 

Let’s break that down.

Step 1: She had to get clear.

How many dates? If she had been wishy-washy or passive like –I don’t know- however many the Universe wants to send me??? you can just feel the energy, right? Even writing it is like taking a super lukewarm bath-it’s not sexy and it’s not magnetising. IN order to get clear, she had to do gut check and/or body check-yes, maybe her head said she wanted 5 dates, but when she checked in with her body, she realized she only had energy available for 3. Take the time to slow down and get clear. 

Step 2: She wrote it down and made space in her schedule. 

She actively participated in the creation of her desire. If she ha said 3 dates but refused to block off or identify time when she could actually meet those men, she may have still called in those dates, but she could have been unnecessarily stressed or felt like she was overbooking or compromising in another area. Q: What needs to be cleared or sifted so you can actually receive what you’re for? 

Step 3: She stayed open to how and when. 

Sure, the intention was for the week, but she let go and trusted that she would receive feedback from the Universe via people at the perfect time. And she did! She wasn’t trying to control when it happened or how it happened. So she was a safe receiving space for it to come to her! 

The more you can actively practice these 3 baby steps, the easier it will be to stay constantly in your Feminine, without slipping into passivity and wondering why nothing it happening! 

Q: Which of these 3 steps do you need to practice? Hit reply or leave me a comment on the blow and let me know! 

ps: Who is coming to Hollywood this 11:11? Join me for my Winter Retreat! There’s still time to sign up! Click here

Is Ego bad? (Q+A time!)

Happy Tuesday! 

How was your Equinox?

Thank you so much to everyone who signed up for the Autumn Healing Meditation!

If you’d lie to get a copy of the recording to listen to and gain the energy benefits, you can go here and we will send it to you!

Today, I’m answering a question from our Goddess community.

Q: “Diana, I’ve been really working on my spiritual practice and trying to not take things personally in relationships. It’s not easy! One thing I wondered about – Ego bad? Where is the line between having a healthy Ego and an unhealthy one?

I love this question! Ego gets a really bad rap but really it has a very important purpose in our Lives!

Understanding this purpose can help you in all relationships. 

After you listen: 

Q: Do you listen to your Ego? Share with us in the comments!

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

Break the Board (Love and Life Advice!)

Happy Tuesday!

What is something you’ve done that has scared you?

When I was in high school, my sister and I took up Tae-Kwon-Do, which was super counter intuitive t the hard-core ballet classes I was taking at the same time. Talk about muscle memory confusion! 

One of the required components of passing to the next belt level was to break a wooden board with either our bare hand or foot. (I kept that detail to myself as I know my ballet master would have had a fit!) 

The process I went through internally to prepare for that taught me so many lessons about life and also relationships in the years to come. 

I’d love to share it with you with the intent that it supports you in being brave and opening up to what you truly desire! Listen below:

ps: Ready for an energy boost? Book a Gold Treatment! Click here to learn more about these wonderful non-medical light therapy sessions. 

How to Have a Happy Relationship (5 Secrets from Happily Committed Couples!)

Happy Tuesday to you!

Can I share some exciting news before we get into today’s post? 

This weekend I am getting married to my love!

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know it hasn’t been an easy road to get to this point!

I’ve had my heart broken, more than a few times.

I’ve broken hearts without meaning to.

I’ve doubted that I could ever love again or that maybe I was just too much for someone. 

I’ve feared letting someone in-what if they saw something they didn’t like and leave? 

So many things, Goddess!

But what I do know (OMG I channeled Oprah just then!) is that a ‘happy relationship’ is something  that can be cultivated. 

Once your inner ‘house’ is ready to receive another person and they you, there are things you can do to maintain a level of balance and happiness in your partnership.

And by the way, what I’m about to share also applies to friendships and other relationships too!

Here are 5 secrets to a happy relationship:

For more secret nuggets, watch the video but here is the quick cliff-notes version:

  1. Calendar ‘couple time’
  2. Find something to appreciate about the other person daily-and express it.
  3. Maintain your personal joy (don’t stop doing the things that make you happy). Be responsible for your own happiness.
  4. Make each other a priority.
  5. Explore professional support to make the relationship stronger.

ps: Want more support? Schedule a private, complimentary Into To Love Consultation here!