Q: “Diana, I consider myself to be a very intuitive person, but there was a situation that happened at work that has left me questioning myself. How can you tell the difference between your intuition and fear or anxiety?”

I love this question and am going to do my best to keep it as simple as possible.

Many people struggle to distinguish between the quiet nudge of intuition and the loud, racing thoughts of anxiety. Understanding the difference can help you make better decisions and trust yourself more.

After you listen:

Have you ever mistaken anxiety for intuition? Share your experience in the comments!

P.S. If you’re ready to stop second guessing yourself and join forces with spiritually conscious, intuitive women, check out The Goddess Circle Collective! We meet every month to share intentions, celebrations and learn specific tools to help you become the best version of yourself. Go here to learn more.

2 replies
  1. Angelo
    Angelo says:

    This is so perfectly timed! My goal this year is to trust my intuition. I believe I’m getting signs / guidance but I’m often questioning them.


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