Happy Tuesday from San Francisco!

Oh my – are we in the throes of some interesting energy! It’s post-Full moon vibes (happened Sunday but will continue throughout this week!), which can be a cycle of amazing release, culminations, and wrap-ups of old ways that you no longer serve you.

And it can also spotlight habits, behaviors, mindsets, and patterns that are asking for a tweak to support your best life.

Some of mine that came up:

  • Why am I eating that food when I know my stomach doesn’t agree with it?
  • Why didn’t I ask for what I needed from my partner instead of picking a fight?
  • Why didn’t I make space for myself in the morning to journal instead of grabbing my phone as soon as I woke up? I know how that throws me off the rest of the day.

It would have been so easy to beat myself up, and then I remembered that each moment we are given a choice on what we give our precious energy to.

Being kind to yourself, breathing, and simply deciding to recommit to behaviors, habits, etc that feel healthier may be all that’s needed.

No need to create a story around why you’re lazy, awful, not good enough etc.

There is enough negativity in the world!

So for this week, I invite you to work with the mantra: “I am powerful, and each moment I get to make a new choice. All is well in my world. And so it is!”

Give it a whirl. Some of you may like to record yourself saying it aloud and playing it back to yourself. Or you can write it on a post-it and put it somewhere you look often.

Be tender with yourself.

Let go.

And consider observing what shifts in your world when you drop the story, lighten your load and treat yourself like the precious being you are.

Have a lovely week, and if you would like to join me + other spiritual teachers LIVE on Wednesday, July 24, go here to join me for Making Miracles 2024!

P.S. If you see this after the event, you can sign up for the replay!

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