In this last week of June, I always like to invite my clients (and me) to do some self-reflection. I love journal prompts, as I do feel like writing by hand the old fashioned way can connect you to your subconscious in a way that typing doesn’t always do.

So the question today I want to pose to you is: Are you revolving or evolving?

Where in your life have you been revolving, like a revolving door, going around and around doing the same thing expecting a different result?

Where are you changing and evolving? What part of your life is asking you to make different choices? What comes up when you imagine making the commitment to evolve or change?

There are no easy answers to this but exploring it with yourself can unlock important insights for you and help you see what needs to be released, retired, and recycled….and where you want to give your precious energy and attention and focus in the coming month!

It’s a perfect week to set some new intentions.

Leave a comment below with one of your July intentions if you are feeling called! I love hearing from you.

If you would like support to go deeper into what’s coming up for you, let’s explore working together.

Have a beautiful last week of the month and remember, you are loved. And you matter.

P.S. Will you help me celebrate the official launch of the first oracle card deck? I’m hosting an informal Zoom party with prizes + fun meet and greet with the artist Elen Awad, and we’d love to invite you to join us!

When: Sunday, June 30th at 3pm Pacific/6pm Eastern
RSVP required: Go here to join us!

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