Have you ever heard the term, spiritual ascension or up-level?

I remember when I first heard this and was at the beginning of my own journey. I kept visualizing some amazing pearl-colored staircase unfolding from the heavens for me to walk up!

From my own experience and from what I’ve seen working with hundreds of clients over the past 13 years, is that a spiritual up-level can be seen as a cycle of growth.

It can often come on unexpectedly, or for others, the signs seem to grow more intense over time.

When it comes to relationships, it’s often when you’ll come to a crossroads with a partner.

Or you finally have the come-to-Jesus talk with a good friend about something that’s been festering or something that brings you even closer together.

Or you decide you’ve had enough, and you finally quit the job, start the business, etc.

It can be a really energetically power-packed time, and your body often gives you clear signals that you are either about to or are in the throes of an up-level.

Here are 3 common signs I’ve seen consistently:

Do you have these common signs? Here are my fave ways to nourish yourself during this time.

  • Daily meditation: even taking 5 minutes to just focus on being calm and present with yourself can do wonders. I love “meditating” while putting away dishes. Keep it simple.
  • Journaling about how you are feeling or what comes up: even 1 paragraph to just help calm the inner child and make sure it feels heard as you are growing and changing is key.
  • Listen to high frequency “love” HZ music. Here’s my favorite one on Spotify right now that I shared with our Goddess Circle Collective.

Q: Which signs are you experiencing right now? If you’ve been through an up-level before, share an insight that has helped you by leaving a comment here. You never know who could need exactly what you have to share!

If I can support you in a deeper way, I am taking on 3 private clients for a September/October start for spiritual and love coaching! Would you like to learn more? Go here to schedule an intro call with me!

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