August (and Leo season) is officially here!

It’s a month to be unapologetically yourself, to use your creativity to engage in new directions around relationships and career, and to lead your own life like the *boss* and *star* you are.

These are the cards I pulled from my new oracle deck, Your Magical Intuition Oracle, available now here.

Card 1: Where we are coming from (The recent past): Bright Light

As we round the bend to a new month, you’ve learned valuable lessons around standing in your power and giving yourself permission to shine brightly, even when those around you wanted to relate to an old identity or dynamic.

Card 2: Where we are now (The present): Boundaries

Right now, you are reminded that it’s okay to be discerning about what gets your time and attention. You may be quite popular this month and receive several invitations to be social or engage with types that are spoiling for a fight, debate, or challenge. Check your energy before responding. It will tell you what to do.

Card 3: Additional information (Projected outcome): Solid Foundation

Give yourself (and perhaps another) grace. There may be some things that are shaky and need to be rebuilt or redesigned to accommodate the new vision or desire that’s coming through this month. Trust that if anything appears to fall apart – plans, a relationship, a work opportunity – it’s falling apart to get put back together in a more aligned way.

Valuable dates to note: (Pacific Standard Time)

  • August 4: New Moon in Leo at 4:12AM (something important may be presented to you within give or take 3-5 days from this date)
  • August 19: Full Moon in Aquarius at 11:25AM (something important may be wrapping up within 3-5 days of this date).

Have an amazing last few days of July, and if you’d like to learn how to give yourself an accurate reading, go here to learn more about the deck!

With love,


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