Oh my goddess, there is so much going on energetically right now – have you been feeling it?

I just got back from my old stomping grounds in San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury (land of Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead). I was there for three weeks choreographing and co-directing two children’s musicals, which was so much fun… and my body hasn’t moved like that in…a while. I ended up getting strep throat, and my back went out in the second week (show week of course), but nothing some antibiotics and ice couldn’t cure. The show(s) must go on! And they did – the kids were amazing.

It was awesome (and ‘trippy’- pun intended) being back there, and I even went up my old street, past an ex’s house. I remember he lived like 7 houses away from me on this steep hill but broke up with me on voicemail! The nerve!

It brought back all sorts of feelings and memories, and today as you’re reading this, we just entered Mercury Retrograde, that lovely energetic period where communications, travel, contracts, and tech can get… well, a little unpredictable.

Dates: August 5-August 28

It’s also a time when we get to revisit the past + people may be coming out of the woodwork that you haven’t seen or heard from in a minute.

I made a short audio for you this week on 3 things to keep in mind during this period.

P.S. Looking for an amazing circle of women to connect with? Join the Goddess Circle Collective!

Have a great week!

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