Have you ever moved to a new state or city and had to switch over bank accounts and other “adulting” life things?

Whenever you are in a new environment, even if you know it’s the right decision for you, it can bring up a fear of not being supported.

Of not being seen. And it’s very easy to be protective of parts of yourself that could be seen as controversial or different.

Many years ago at this point (over 12 years I think), I moved from California to Arizona, and I remember going to the bank and feeling seen and experiencing a camaraderie that reminded me that we really are always supported.

Even when we try to “hide.”

NOTE: This clip is from the week I transitioned! I wanted to share the raw and real audio with you.

My intent is that it reminds you that it is safe to be seen and be yourself no matter what, whether you are putting yourself out there on a dating site for the first time after awhile, expressing yourself to your friends and family or making that brave, bold decision at work.

After you listen: Have you ever encountered unexpected support when you were in the middle of a transition? What happened? Leave me a comment below!

P.S. Ready for clarity? My new oracle deck, Your Magical Intuition Oracle is available to order here!

5 replies
  1. Scott Shapiro
    Scott Shapiro says:

    Nice Story! I’m trying to trust that I’m supported and watched over by the universe more. It’s a work in progress like anything. Slowly getting there.


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