Have you ever encountered random things going ‘wrong’ when you go to take a new action towards what you really want?

Q: “I’ve been trying to put myself on Bumble for dating like we talked about, but each time I go to sign up and log-in, it keeps locking me out! Is this the Universe telling me it’s not the right step, or is it my own fear getting in the way? Help!”

I love this question so much, and I’ve seen it happen quite often with clients once they really, really start taking massive, aligned action.

No matter what area of your life we are talking about, here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re facing a similar roadblock.

Listen here + after you listen, I’d love to know: Have you ever had a similar situation? What helped you? Leave a comment!

P.S. Learn more about the Goddess Circle Collective here!