
It’s Full Moon week, which is perfect for decluttering, shedding, and coming to terms with important areas of your life.

It’s also my birthday tomorrow (August 21), and I’ve been doing a lot of all of the above!

Decluttering can be anything from literally throwing items away to also re-wiring your beliefs and doubling down on your commitments to things that match your current values. Some of my core values are connection, creativity, beauty, and freedom.

Reflecting on the past year, and in the spirit of sharing my wishes for you as we end one cycle and begin another, here are 3:

  • Let go of who you were to make space for who you are becoming.
  • Make peace with past choices. Learn from them, but don’t let them color your possibilities for the future.
  • Prioritize your energy – when you take good care of your energy, everyone wins.

Which one of those 3 wishes resonates with you right now?

Are you ready to use this Full Moon to declutter with grace? Here are my favorite Full Moon Decluttering Tips!

PS: If you’re looking for a space to release and rejuvenate, join me for tonight’s Full Moon Meditation and Healing Night at 5pm Pacific. (This will be recorded, so if you see this late, you will receive the same benefits!)

Click here to join us live or get the replay!

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