
Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

The Secret to Getting Clarity (Monthly Mantra)

Happy Tuesday!

The other day, I experienced total brain fog. No matter what I did, I felt like I was at a standstill. Could barely put two thoughts together and felt totally unmotivated to do anything.

Has that ever happened to you?

It was like walking through molasses. It sucked.

I finally gave into it and let myself space out for a bit.

They say that when you get still, that’s when the answers come and I’ve found this to be true. I got this nudge to write (even though I had no idea what).

So, I grabbed my laptop and well…showed up at the page so to speak. A lot of nonsense flowed out of my fingertips and I felt like I was just whining. But I let myself just be with the moment. And then, after a bit, this mantra came:

“Clarity comes when I create space for the things that matter to me.”

I got chills when I saw it. I said it aloud the way I encourage you and my clients to do with mantras that resonate.

And I reflected on all the places that I was filling my day, our home and my schedule with things that didn’t matter at all to me.

Stuff, commitments and relationships that I was keeping in my life out of guilt, obligation or just laziness.

It was eye-opening.

My body’s response was brain-fog.

For others it may be something else-fatigue, frustration, etc.

I made a short list of what really matters most to me right now.

I gave myself permission to adjust the list as needed.

And although the brain fog was still there, the moment I made a decision to take a look at what I needed to shift in my life, even just one thing that was taking up too much space, I felt lighter.

I felt clearer.

I took a deep breath. And smiled.

Now it’s your turn (if you want to try this mantra!)

“Clarity comes when I create space for the things that matter to me.”

How to use it:
In quiet moments where you feel fears rising up in your chest, close your eyes, take a deep, cleansing breath and say the mantra above. Say it three times with deep feeling. Notice how you feel.

Journal questions to go deeper:

What matters to you?

What doesn’t matter to you?

What is one action or change you are willing to make to create more space for the things that matter? Hit reply and share with me.

ps: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out right here:

When Things Aren’t Going Right: What To Do!

Happy Tuesday!

What can you do when things aren’t going right?

We’ve all been there, where you feel like you’re taking all the right actions, but nothing seems to happening.

It’s frustrating, confusing and it can cause you to completely doubt yourself.

If you’ve been feeling like the Universe forgot your address, you’ll love this video!

PS: Would you like more clarity for what could be happening in your life right now? Book a reading here.

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

3 Confident Female Mindsets That Drive Guys Wild

If you’ve ever been told, “don’t be too confident or you could intimidate a masculine man,” and found yourself ‘shrinking’ or feeling worried that you have to mask your confidence to attract a high quality partner, you’re going to love today’s topic.

A big part of your journey to attracting the right partner has to do with your mindset-that’s nothing new.

But in talking with many of the clients I’ve worked with, especially the women, they’ve shared that there is this unspoken pressure to downplay their natural confidence and be ‘more feminine.’

It can feel like another to-do, constantly monitoring yourself on a date and wondering if you are in the right “mindset” but it doesn’t have to so hard!

I believe you can be confident AND drive men wild (in a good way!).

To do this, it’s helpful to look at 3 mindsets or you can call them beliefs to make it simple that reinforce this.

Let’s look at them together, shall we?

The more you can experiment with these 3 confident feminine mindsets/beliefs, the easier you may find it is to connect with potential masculine-energy partners who value you for who you are, no contorting yourself into someone you’re not or overanalyzing needed!

Manifesting Secret

Happy Tuesday! 

I get asked all the time -“Diana, how can I manifest more quickly? Is there particular secret?”

I’d be a bejillionairess if I had one no-fail secret for you, but over the past 12 years working with amazing clients as an intuitive coach and healer, I am more that happy to share helpful tools that are easy to use and support the manifestation process. 

I don’t know about you, but if it’s not simple, I won’t do it. 

It’s a two part process but again, super easy. 

I actually did these two steps without fully thinking about it and recently (like literally less than a week ago) manifested a Dancing Goddess business engagement (I’m being flown, put up in a hotel and being paid to share my message) which I’ve manifested in parts before but never all of these things at once! 

Have a listen blow:

After you listen: What is something you desire to manifest and call in? Leave a comment below and let’s support you! You never know who could be watching or reading!

PS: Have you picked up your copy of the best selling book, The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again? If not, check it out here: 

Diana wearing a salmon shirt, taken 2022

Why It’s Hard to Really Be Friends With an Ex

Happy Tuesday! 

Have you ever been friends with an ex? 

It’s a tricky subject and one that I’d love to address today.

When I was writing my book, ‘The Dating Mirror: Trust Again, Love Again,’ there were so many dating experiences that presented themselves where I tried very hard to be friends with an ex. 

Clients ask me all the time when we start working together: “Are you going to make me cut off ties with my ex?!” 

As a coach, I can never *make* anyone do anything 🙂 Everyone makes their own choices and too choices lead to different results – I do find it interesting that I get asked that though, because it’s like at a subconscious level, they know something feels a little energetically ‘off’ about maintaining the same connection they have with an ex, however friendly. 

But let’s dive in… 

Here are 3 important reasons why it can feel really hard to be friends with an ex to consider: 

After you listen: 

  1. Have you ever tried to stay friends with an ex? If it worked, what are some tips that helped you? 
  2. If it didn’t work for you to be friends with an ex, what are some tips that helped you navigate that or end it? 

I would love to have you share your wisdom with the Goddess community by leaving a comment below!