
How I Really Feel About the Law of Attraction

Happy Winter Solstice!

I’ve been loving wearing layers and fuzzy slippers, spacing out looking at all theXmas lights and lighting candles are the home. 

How about you?

As we draw close to the end of 2021, a lot of the conversations I’ve had with friends and clients and colleagues have all kinda circled around the same thing-law of attraction!

And when it comes to relationships, I feel strongly called to explore a different perspective with you because I feel like there’s a lot of negative self-talk and self-blame around it!

Here’s my feeling on the Law of Attraction: as always, follow your own intuition-I’m just sharing my two cents.

Sometimes, yes, we attract people are in our lives that ‘match’ us energetically nd it can e uncomfortable to see that if you keep attracting people you don’t want, you may need to look at where you yourself are exhibiting the same pattern (perhaps in another area of your life.) When you clean that up, you may find you attract this pattern less. 

And… I always want to throw out there that sometimes people are in your space simply to show you how committed (or uncommitted) you are to what you desire. 

It’s a really delicate line but it’s so easy to go into a downward spiral thinking, “What’s wrong with me that I attracted ANOTHER emotionally unavailable guy?”

Instead, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to say, “Wow-thank you for the reminder that I no longer am available for unavailable men. I am more clean than ever before on this!”

Then, the next time your body sends you those clean, unmistakable red flags that you are about to fall into an all-familiar pattern, you just won’t engage with it or let it go further than it should. 

And with that newly strengthened commitment to YOU, it may feel less scary to take the actions that you know would support you.


If he isn’t calling or responding to you, instead of going into overdrive and texting, emailing and leaving voicemails for him, you back off and go about your day. 

If you’re always the friend who is reaching out to make plans, stop making plans and see if your friend steps up (or have that conversation about how you’d love to shift the dynamic!) 

If you keep getting passed over for promotion at work, instead of your old pattern of holding it all in, you make a list of all the contributions you’ve made to the company over the past sex months and schedule a time to meet with your boss. 

Q: Now I ask you. What is one brae action you have already taken or will take in service to your dreams? 

Any thoughts on Law of Attraction to share? 

I’d love to hear from you!

Have an amazing Xmas if you celebrate it and rest of your week. 

What’s Coming For December? Find Out!

Happy nearly Dec!

There is so much goodness in the air and as we come into the homestretch of November, it’s a wonderful time to ask yourself: 

What am I proud of? 

What is one thing I need to release? 

What is one tweak I can make to my thinking, belief system or daily habits that would support me right now? 

I’m thrilled to be sharing Oracle Message for December with you today and using a brand new deck that a client gifted me that is so powerful – The Magic of Unicorns! by Diana Cooper.

Check out my video below + have an amazing rest of your week!

ps: 2021 is winding down! Would you like some support? Check out the new healing treatments called Gold treatments! I have a few spots available before the end of the year! 

When you don’t know what you should do

Happy Tuesday! 

Today, we tackle a question from our Goddess community:

Q: What do you do when you are faced with decision that feels really hard? 

Maybe you know what you want to do but you’re scared of hurting the other person’s feelings or what it may mean.

Maybe you want to say yes but you’re scared of what you could lose in the process. 

Or something else that feels sticky and uncomfortable.

Here are three steps you can take to be in the best head-space before you make the final call: 

  1. Belly Breathe.

Seriously, it’s simple and we try to make it all complicated! 

Taking a few deep breaths filling up your belly like a balloon. This will still your mind and help you make a choice that feels right for you vs. an anxiety, adrenaline-induced one. 

     2. Ask yourself: 

*”Is this choice aligned with my values and am I being true to myself?” (That’s a quick yes or no. Stop over-thinking it!)

* If I wasn’t concerned about what anyone else thought, what would I want to do? 

*Does this choice make me feel expansive and more free? Write this down. 

      3. Take Action!

Often times, the thing we most need to do is also the most scary. Whenever we change a pattern our subconscious mind can go AWOL! “I don’t want to change! What if it doesn’t work out? It didn’t work last time. I am not ready. I am not good enough…lalalalala <white noise>”

When you feel EXPANSIVE, excited and yes, sometimes scared/nervous/mind throwing a temper tantrum about a choice, that’s a KILLER combination. 

Because it’s your truth. 

And everything holding you back from your truth is being shaken up and help up to the crazy fluorescent light for you to acknowledge and release. 

So you can start making decisions from a “calm, confident and clear space” that honor not just you but everyone involved. (notice I didn’t use the word mind…our most profound “problems” are rarely solved there)

The more you can practice taking a choice through the three steps above, the easier it may fee to get out of that indecision-land and feel grounded in where you’re going next. 

Q: What is a decision you’re super proud you made? What helped you make it? Share with us! 

ps: Are you ready to step into your power? It’s not to late to join us for 11 Days to Awaken Your Personals Power! 

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