
February Goddess Oracle Message

Happy February! 

Ah! There is a newness in the air-and I was sharing the other day how it feels like January still had remnants of 2020 and it’s just only now beginning to feel like a new year…and energetic era! 

How has it felt like for you? 

In the spirit of new, I decided to use a new to me deck of cards for this month’s Goddess Oracle Message!

It was gifted to me by a very dear friend and I’m excited to share what’s coming up.

Find out now: 

Your January 2021 Message is Here!

Here is the Goddess Guidance Oracle Message for this month for you!

If you are new to my community, 1x/month, I pull oracle cards and interpret them for each week of the month and also share important dates to be aware of.

Feel free to pause the video after each card goes up so you can write down your own impressions!

Here’s to a fabulous new cycle!

When should you tell this to your date?

Happy Wednesday!

Today is Q+A time, where I take questions from you, the fabulous Goddess community.

Today’s question is about abstinence: “Dear Diana, I practice abstinence-plan to wait until marriage…and am wondering when is a good time to bring that up? Should I say it right on the first date or wait? Thanks!” 

A: This is a great question and there is a balance between how much and what to share up front and what to wait to share, without wasting anyone’s time or withholding. 

Check out my response here: