Happy September and brand new moon energy week to you!

Have you ever heard the phrase, “grow where you’re planted?” I met up with a good friend this past weekend, and we were talking about this.

How in a relationship, or a business or a home, there may be times when you feel like the other person, the business model, the location, etc is just growing at a different pace than you.

Maybe you’ve outgrown where you are planted right now. But you aren’t sure what’s next or even if you have the energy to repot yourself.

September is about growth that goes deep into the roots.

About not over-looking the details, the seemingly annoying but critical changes your Soul has been asking you to consider for a while that you’ve swept under the proverbial rug.

Just in the past 7 days, clients and friends have shared things with me like:

  • I finally made the move to a new state. Stuff’s in storage. Rented a room and started a new job. WTF did I just do?
  • I burned my upcoming biz program down to the ground. Pre-sold spots and everything. It didn’t excite me, and I refunded everyone. I just drafted something totally new, and I’m worried no one is going to get it, but it’s totally me. Am I off my rocker?
  • F-it. I put myself back on the apps. I hate online dating, but I’m going to give it another go. If I am honest, I am happy by myself and don’t know if there’s someone out there can handle all my weird, but I’m going to believe there is. AGHHHH!

It can feel scary, unsettling, but also liberating when you are willing to face your Truth and in some cases, take bold, massive strides in a different direction.

But what I’ve found is the more you can honor what stage you’re in, the faster the energy can move, and the more clarity you may find on the other side.

Are you ready and open?

As we all move into brave, new territory energetically, I have not one but 3 easy-to-digest resources for you.

Take your pick or devour them ALL.

#1-A weekly 90-second September oracle message-riffing more on this idea of growth.

#2-A short audio on my unfiltered advice on important September dates, the new moon, and what to do if you’ve outgrown something.

#3- For those of you wanting to grow in business and wellness, join me for a free online retreat all about opening to receive more success through using love and heart energy.

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