Have you ever reached a point in your life where you knew that it was time to close a chapter and venture out into the unknown, even though there was no clear reason for doing so?

Just a quiet, consistent knowing?

Sometimes it shows up as a whisper. Other times, the message seems to be mirrored in everything around you.

If we don’t listen, there could quite literally be a billboard above you with the very thing you need to see before you act on the inevitable. That change is about to happen. In a major way. With us at the driver’s seat.

Sometimes with no guarantee of a direct route to point B. Sometimes it’s more like Point A to Point C, then Point B1 and then back to A to get to the real B.

With Thursday’s Full Moon in Aries upon us, the energy can feel a bit in your face but also like you’re on the brink of a breakthrough.

One that’s been a long time coming if you can move with the intense emotions that may come up.

It can tug on our wounds or old trauma, but it’s unearthing it so we can unveil it, assess our feelings, and bravely move ourselves through and forward, facing whatever it is sometimes alarmingly head-on.

I couldn’t sleep last night, and so instead of giving in to monkey mind about how the brain needs X hours to function (true but not a particularly useful thought in the moment), I simply closed my eyes, asked for guidance, and channeled a message on the subject of endings.

This message comes from the Goddess of Knowledge and Creativity, Sarasvati.

If you ever find yourself in a place of imbalance or confusion, she’s a wonderful Guide to call on to help you calm nerves and come back to center.

To do so, just close your eyes, call her name with intention, share what you’d like her help with, and then follow any guidance you receive. It may take some time, but she’s very receptive.

Message for You/The Collective YOU from Sarasvati:

“Time is an illusion of the Human Mind. What appears to be an ending is a beginning but even the words ‘end’ and ‘beginning’ are constructs of the logical mind. Your Spirit knows that when you release the charge of language and words and instead, tune into a subtle frequency, your Divine Wisdom, you become free of this thing you call Time. You can see a vast space, a landscape, on which you may create whatever you wish. It begins with your thoughts. What will you choose to create today for yourself? Begin there. Or end there. It makes no difference. But go with all your heart.”

The Take-away:
Experiment with releasing the need to focus on HOW something should come into (or leave) your life and instead consider this:

“What will I create today for myself starting in this moment?”

Post your in a comment below! When we write it and say it, we declare it. And then really cool things can happen. Unexpected. Magical. And truly aligned with the energy of YOU.

7 replies
  1. Scott Shapiro
    Scott Shapiro says:

    Funny, I couldn’t sleep last nite either for whatever reason. I don’t think I got any sleep at all, lol. Hope you’re well

  2. Theresa Symon
    Theresa Symon says:

    I was up last night too (from 2:00 am to 5:30 am) which is unusual since I’ve been sleeping well for weeks. This explains why. Thanks!


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