If you can’t meet up for a face-to-face in person date, the next best thing is using video. 

So… if you do have a date with someone on Zoom, it doesn’t have to b awkward and actually, there are a few things you can do to increases the chances that it goes well. 

Here are 3 things to keep in mind 🙂

1. Turn off Notifications! 

Everyone wants to feel like you have their full attention when they are talking and getting to know you. So, don’t be obnoxious and start texting people in the middle of your date. Turn off notifications that connect to your laptop or device-like Instagram or iMessage, etc. You can always turn them back on after the date-be present! This will score you so many points and you will be way more likely to listen and get cues as to who this person is. 

2. Dress as you would on a regular date-take the time to get ready!

It’s easy to rationalise and think, “it’s video-I’m at home” and not pay attention to what you are wearing and how it makes you feel. That last part is key-dress for yourself-how you want to show up and what makes you fell like you can show up as authentically as you can. Enjoy getting ready before your call and put on some music and make it an event!

3. Take the time to create an ambiance

Yes, you may not be at a nice cafe, but making sure you hold your Zoom date in a place that is conducive to getting to know each other is key! In particular, take time before your date to pay attention to your sound, background and lighting. Can you be heard? Can you be seen? Stay away from places that cast a shadow on your face. Choose a place where you can hear yourself and hear another person. Get those extra boxes and random heaps of clothes out of the way Goddess! Get creative-it doesn’t have to be fancy, but simple things like having a clean, neat background and a good mic/audio go a long way! Also, if you live with other people, put them on notice to be quiet during your date-the last thing you want is to hear the news blaring from the TV nearby! 

The more you follow these three tips, the easier it will be to show up as yourself, relax and enjoy getting to know the other person. 

When you are at peace, the other person feels that and you can clear distractions to see if you do indeed have a true connection and want to move it to the next level!

Have you had any virtual dates recently? What other tips do you have? Share them with the Goddess community in the comments below!

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