It’s officially fall here in the US, and I couldn’t be happier. There’s something so visceral about the changing of seasons – to me, it heralds a time to start over, to give yourself permission to renew and begin again.

And to ruthlessly shed anything that is no longer lighting you up or aligning with who you want to be.

Just yesterday, my hubby and I made the executive decision that it’s time for a new bed – to literally up-level the support in our shared goal of vibrant health – and I am thrilled!

A friend shared with me that she’s got an interview for a position she thought was a no-go after moving across the country even though she took another job.

Another declared that she was ready to start dating again, and this weekend, she met not one but two men and is like, AGH! I didn’t want it to happen that fast.

Not everything is in our control. But what you can control is your energy and how you choose to show up for yourself in each moment.

One of my favorite tools to use during this time of change is bypassing my logical mind and pulling an oracle card to get more clarity.

And I’ve pulled not one, but three cards for you from my new deck, Your Magical Intuition Oracle.

To support you in greater success towards manifesting your greatest desires no matter where you are in the world.

Here are the cards I pulled:

Have a fantastic new season and week, and if you’re open and desiring more support, I have a handful of spaces left for 1:1 private coaching before 2024 ends.

Go here to schedule an introduction call to connect with me. You never know if you don’t take the first step!

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