How to Have a Happy Relationship (5 Secrets from Happily Committed Couples!)
Happy Tuesday to you!
Can I share some exciting news before we get into today’s post?
This weekend I am getting married to my love!
If you’ve been following me for a while, you know it hasn’t been an easy road to get to this point!
I’ve had my heart broken, more than a few times.
I’ve broken hearts without meaning to.
I’ve doubted that I could ever love again or that maybe I was just too much for someone.
I’ve feared letting someone in-what if they saw something they didn’t like and leave?
So many things, Goddess!
But what I do know (OMG I channeled Oprah just then!) is that a ‘happy relationship’ is something that can be cultivated.
Once your inner ‘house’ is ready to receive another person and they you, there are things you can do to maintain a level of balance and happiness in your partnership.
And by the way, what I’m about to share also applies to friendships and other relationships too!
Here are 5 secrets to a happy relationship:
For more secret nuggets, watch the video but here is the quick cliff-notes version:
- Calendar ‘couple time’
- Find something to appreciate about the other person daily-and express it.
- Maintain your personal joy (don’t stop doing the things that make you happy). Be responsible for your own happiness.
- Make each other a priority.
- Explore professional support to make the relationship stronger.
ps: Want more support? Schedule a private, complimentary Into To Love Consultation here!