Happy Full Moon Eclipse! Woohoo!

It’s a big week.

Before I forget, I wanted to invite you to join me for my free 5-day challenge “Plug Your Energy Leaks + Up Your Manifesting!” We started today but you can hop in and watch the first challenge. If you’d like to RSVP, just go here, and we will make sure you get in!

Today is Q+A time. I’m taking your questions, and today’s is about mindset, making changes, and what to do when you get pushback.

Q: What do you do when your mindset improves and you start to make changes in your life, and then someone questions it? How do I not doubt myself and go backwards?

A: It’s all part of the process. The Universe may send a person, sign, etc. to test your commitment and conviction to your “new normal.” So pat yourself on the back because that means you are in the middle of a huge up-level. Often times, the people in our lives may feel threatened if they see that we’re changing or making even micro shifts from the way we engage or respond to things. It can trigger where they are not making powerful choices for themselves.

It is also a great time to surround yourself in environments with people who are also celebrating changes and growth,whether it’s hanging out more with a certain friend who is also into this lifestyle or joining an online community with like-minded people.

A perspective shift: instead of doubting yourself, celebrate your conviction to that new level! Expect it, and choose to see it as “When I shift in a positive way, it gives other people permission to come into a personal shift with themselves if they choose to! And if not, that is totally fine too! No one’s reactions need impact my inner Truth and peace. And so it is.”

I’d love to hear from you.

Have you ever struggled with this? What is one piece of advice you would share? Add a comment below. You never know who needs to read what you have to share!

Much love,


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