Is it too late for you? My 3-step process to change your limiting mental tapes!
Have you ever wondered, is it too late for me in love? Should I just forget about it?
I was speaking to a woman recently and she shared that fear with me when it came to love.
Q: “Diana, what if it’s just too late for me? I’m having a hard time believing it (true love) will ever happen for me. Maybe I should just get used to be on my own.”
A: It will never happen for you if you keep believing that it won’t. And if you believe it will happen for you, then it will. Maybe not in your time frame, but it will be even better than your logical mind can imagine. Simple logic! This feels like the voice of fear attempting to keep you exactly where you are-safe but unsatisfied in your Soul. The only way out is to change your mental tape that it can’t happen or that it’s too late. And by the way, if you believe it will take forever to change your mental tape, then it will too!
Three Steps To Change Your Mental Tape:
1. Start with your current reality (The Ego hates when you lie about this and try and go straight to the happy, fabulous part!)
So, you might as well give yourself a break and consider shifting the tape to something like, “Spirit, I’ve been having a hard time believing that it’s not too late for me to meet my soul mate.
2. Commit to a new thought and time (NOW!)
“But I am open and committed to transforming this belief with your help Spirit RIGHT NOW. I am open to believing that love is already on its way.” (Feel free to switch up the words so they feel like YOU!)
3. Do something different
The Ego/fear mind hates when you break routine, so do an honest assessment of what you always do when it comes to approaching love and actually all of your relationships. Do you always wait for your friends to call you? Then, pick up the phone! Do you always hold in how you feel? Get uncomfortable and actually tell someone how you are feeling! You get it? You have to change the action to truly change the tape.
With practice, you will be on your way to creating a new mental tape that knows that you are worthy and deserving of great love and whatever barriers you have put up are only illusions to who you really are, which is a Divine Being who can truly create whatever you want.
Your Turn: What is something you have done in your life that scared you? Have you ever struggled with thoughts of “Maybe it’s too late?” How did you get through it? Share your insights!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to pack. The Big Apple is waiting!
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ps: Want to break through your biggest blocks to love? Let’s talk about working together here! I am taking on new clients for late March/early April start date and would love to help you raise your confidence, become a better decision-maker and most of all, call in the love of your life!

Sally Hope, Rockstar Coach and Founder of the Wildheart Revolution,
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