Deep breath in. Deep breath out.


How was your weekend?

As I mentioned last week, there is a lot of amazing potential energetically this month for healing, transformation, and recalibration.

When it comes to relationships, old patterns may be popping up for you to finally address. Clarity can come when you stop resisting how you feel, when you can let go and trust that when there is something to take action on…you will.

But when there’s not – or you’ve done all you can do – then it’s time to trust, relax and trust some more that the Universe really does have your back.

If you’ve been feeling stuck, confused, or just want to increase your receptivity and stop getting in your own way, this week’s post is definitely for you.

I know this can be really hard to do sometimes.

But what you continually expect is what can tend to show up in your experience.

So, today I want to keep it super light and simple.

One of the questions I have private clients ask (and this is something I also do daily), is to say the following aloud upon waking.

Q: Dear Universe, how will you surprise and delight me today?

That’s it.

Short and sweet.

The key is to really genuinely ask and be curious. Go about your day, and if it’s helpful, spend a minute at the end of your day before you go to sleep and review things.

What is a surprise, delight, gift, or insight that came to you?

Some days, especially the weird ones, it may feel like you’re reaching for an answer.

Other days, you will be able to rattle off multiple things and feel giddy.

It’s okay. No day is the same, but the more you can set the vibration and expectation that yes, you do in fact trust that the Universe wants to surprise and delight you, the more you may find evidence of this!

If you’re game to give this a shot for the rest of August, I invite you to leave a comment after you practice this sometime this week or this month and let me know what beautiful and miraculous delights came your way, okay?

Remember to breathe, and no matter what comes your way, please remember – you are so loved. And you matter.

P.S. If you’d like more personalized clarity and guidance, you can book an Intuitive Reading with me here.

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