October is all about mastering balance in your relationships.

And there are 3 key themes to watch out for.

Check out the video below for specifics + card pulls for the month.

Short on time? Check out my video highlights below:

1) Independence vs interdependence vs codependence

October invites us all to explore independence and interdependence and to identify co-dependence and leave it behind.

2) Great time to adorn

If you’re single, this is a great month to notice where you may want to make changes your external appearance to match your new, elevated, stronger inner confidence. Haircuts, adornment with new jewelry, experimenting with make-up, wardrobe and other “Libra/Venusian” staples are all up for grabs.

3) Stick up for yourself

Make your needs as important as everyone else’s and voice that imperfectly (it will create ripple effects for how people will treat you!)

Great dates to watch out for:

  • October 2: Libra New Moon Eclipse at 11:49am PST. Energy can be very unpredictable, but any shaky foundations will get unearthed so you can re-build and be stronger together (or apart).
  • October 17: Aries Full Moon at 4:26am PST. Something comes full circle. Celebration and wrap-ups!

Have a magical October, and if you’re ready to dive deeper, let’s explore how I can support you in manifesting your dream relationship using my Self-Love Method™. Go here to book an introduction call.

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  1. […] maybe in a matter of a few days? We just came off a potent eclipse/new moon, and if you watched my What to Expect in October video, you know, there is so much shifting, but it’s all for your ultimate growth and […]

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