do you feel pressure to ‘perform’ ?

Good morning!

I’m writing to you in the wee hours of the morning here in AZ and just got back from a walk with Bella under the First Quarter Moon. First quarter moons are a time when you can feel a surge to prove yourself or take on more but it’s actually the perfect time to just finish what you have started and focus on things that require a level of intensity and devotion.

With Valentines’ Day approaching next week, there can be so much pressure in our society to “perform”. For each other and yourself. To *have* a certain someone in your life and to make sure the world knows it, dang it! To have your love validated. Or to give yourself a big ole pity party because you feel like shit for not having a steady partner.

But what if instead of a performance, ripe with expectations, it was simply a reminder to acknowledge your primary soul mate relationship: between you and your Spirit/Universe/etc.

Everything truly is birthed from that primary connection. 

The way you let love in.

The way you trust that it’s already here.

The way you love another.

It’s all a giant cycle stemming from the relationship you have to trust yourself and trust that the Universe/your Spirit are in it for the long-haul, not some one-night stand or fair weather friendship.

Ahhhh….feels a bit different, doesn’t it? No pressure. Just acceptance.

<Did your shoulders drop too?!>

If you knew the Universe and you had an amazing connection, then every other relationship would be an outgrowth of that.

Some of the beliefs you may choose to accept could include things like:

:: The Universe loves me and supports me no matter what.
:: There is an abundance of anything I want in this lifetime, especially love.
:: It is safe for me to trust myself, and release the past.
:: I choose to find love wherever I go.
:: Each situation and each person that crosses my path is my spiritual teacher for the day.
What can I learn from them about myself?
and so much more.

That’s all for today.

Q: What would you believe if you knew that your relationship with yourself and the Universe was solid? 

Consider this question a moon musing…food for your Soul.

Happy first quarter and tons of love to you.


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