How to Take a Risk from your Heart with Guest blogger, Amy Logan

“Taking a Risk from My Heart” by Amy Logan

Have you ever had the feeling that something was not right in your life? Even when from all vantage points, things seem pretty good? Good marriage, beautiful children, nice home, good college education, booming home business….etc.

This was me. From all intents and purposes, my life was on track. Perfect. I had it all. Life was good. 

But for years, I had a little something nagging at me, telling me things are just not right. I kept pushing it away. All was good, why listen?  

I was afraid of the answer.

The time had finally come when I could no longer ignore the feelings inside me.  I had to address that little something. As it turns out, that little something was my intuition nudging me about my life long faith. My head was full of doubts about the truth claims of my religion, for years, of it being not true. After finally giving myself permission to do some investigating and really address my lingering doubts, I found that for me, my religion was not what it claimed to be.

This not so little realization, changed my life, as I knew it. 

I want to share with you the biggest life lesson of my life……

The Lesson + Being Mormon

LISTEN to your intuition. It is always right. Always.

Sometimes following your intuition is not easy. In my case, my whole life changed. I was breaking away from my family faith tradition. I started thinking differently. Everyone around me was Mormon. My whole family, my husband’s family, my friends and community. I felt so different all of a sudden. Because of my decision to leave my faith, some relationships remained and some did not.

Did I make some mistakes along the way as I tried to navigate a new life for myself? Yes. Did I go through some painful moments? Yes. Would I change it? No. 

Now, each day, no matter how big or small, I listen. I listen to what my soul is telling me. It may be something as little as taking a few extra minutes to look into the eyes of a stranger and say hello or maybe something bigger like creating a blog to share my story with the world because I know there are people who need to hear it. Whatever it is, I listen.

I have learned that my heart is happier when I listen to my soul. When I follow my heart and lean into what it is telling me, I can’t go wrong.

We have all had those little thoughts run through our head and nudge us to do something. Sadly, we often push them away or shrug them off as being silly. I want you to stop and listen to them. Be quiet and still for a few minutes each day and act on those thoughts. You will start to not second guess your intuition. So, today, I would love you to sit still for 5 minutes. Listen to your heart. You will be given a little nudge of someone who needs to hear from you or a way to better your business or a way to better yourself. Be still in those thoughts and then write them down and act upon them.

I would love to hear about your experiences. Leave a comment below and share your story. We are all in this together and hearing and sharing our stories builds a bridge of community and makes us all stronger. 

~Amy Logan, your Soul Searching Girl

About Amy


Amy Logan knows that churches can be wrong, outcasts can be right, and life is rarely black & white. As the creator of Soul Searching Girl, she offers soft landings & love for those who are falling awake — reframing their stories, identities and faith. Through inspiring blog posts, provocative questions & 1-on-1 counseling, she opens a space for healing conversations to unfold — with been-there-survived-that truisms to soften the fall. Find a new tribe. Redefine freedom.
And make peace with the tension of spiritual reinvention, at
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YOUR TURN: Have a question for Amy? Want to share a story about a time when YOU took a risk and followed your heart? Post a comment + please share this post with friends!

3 replies
  1. Tara Martineau
    Tara Martineau says:

    Thanks Diana for introducing us all to Amy! She is a wonderful soul. While watching her vlog I realized that I still had many triggers wrapped around leaving the Mormon religion that I have stuffed for many years. And, of course, I realized how hanging onto those unresolved feelings has effected me and hindered my progress. Hearing Amy’s story was exactly what I needed at this point in my life…don’t you love synchronicity!!! I will be following her and allowing her strength to seep into my healing process.
    Thank you again!

    • dianadorell
      dianadorell says:

      My Pleasure Tara! Yes, Amy is an amazing woman with a powerful story. It is never an accident who comes on our path. Thank you for posting and have a wonderful weekend! Love and Light, Diana Dorell

  2. Amy Logan
    Amy Logan says:

    Tara…….Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel so strongly that we never feel alone on our life’s journey. Sounds like you left the mormon church too. Doing that can be a very isolating experience. Healing our hearts takes time. We can do it together! I too love synchronicity. We really do arrive in each others lives when we need to. I look forward to hearing more of your story. All my love ~ Amy


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