This 5-letter word can change your life. Right. Now.
Right now energetically, you are being asked to revisit old relationships, old ways of thinking and unearth the Truth as it exists today for you.
How you felt and what you wanted last year is different than what you may feel and want now.And for those on the spiritual path (you!), things are happening a lot faster and there is lot less lag time for you to f*&% around and stall on major issues and situations that your Soul wants you to look at and heal.
Because on the other side of the discomfort is FREEDOM. Followed by a lightness and inner peace.
So what is the 5-letter word that can help create this?
And the key to freedom and peace starts with your level of FAITH.
Let me ask you: How strong is your level of faith right now? On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest level possible.
How strong is your Faith that even though things may seem up in the air, that you can and will land on your feet at the perfect moment?
Are your thoughts that you are thinking right now supporting you and supporting the idea that there is something happening behind the scenes that’s awesome or crappy?
Now, let’s be clear.
It’s not about side-stepping your responsibiities and leaving it all to Spirit while you twiddle your thumbs and watch Netflix, hoping for the best. That’s called quitting and giving up your power.
Faith IS about:
F-Following your inner wisdom.
Not letting yourself get pulled down by what other people want for you or allowing others to dump their fears and insecurities and color your Truth in a situation.
A-Accepting that you are more than your current circumstances
Yes, things may seem all over the place or super awesome, but the path to freedom, love and peace is about finding the middle. You are more than the awesome things and the crappy things that happen to you. You are infinite. Try that on!
I-Inviting in the possibility of something wonderful
This is riffing on last week’s post. Where attention goes energy flows!
What’s the BEST that could happen?
T-Thinking of a kind Universe who is only working on your behalf
I’d rather believe in a kind Universe. how about you?
H-Having little or nothing to go on except a knowing that it’s all going to work out
My personal favorite. Once you’ve taken all the action you can think of, you must detach and step into a space of surrender. Are you willing to let go of control and be okay with the grey areas of your life?
It will all come out eventually.
It’s going to be okay.
It already is.
Your Soul Question: In what area of your life could you use a little more faith? What helps YOU stay in faith when it’s so easy to give in to fear? Share your wisdom with us by using the Leave a Comment button!

Photo Credit:
Peek Photography
ps: Ready for some clarity around a particular issue in your life?
Check out my Summer Services page for 3 fun offers now thru August! Have a wonderful July!