My Fave Way to Clear Negative Vibes Fast!

Happy Tuesday!

One of the things I get asked a lot is how to clear negative energy.

Whether it’s just getting yourself out of a weird funk or releasing stuff you may have unconsciously taken on from that person at the grocery store, etc, having something simple and effective to do is key!

And to position yourself this year for high-quality relationships, massive abundance and more joy, having this tool in your back pocket is invaluable.

I use this tool a lot and if you’re an empath and particularly sensitive to other energies, you’re going to love this.

Watch below to learn it!

Have a great week and if you are ready to 10X your energy this year, consider booking a gold treatment! Check it out here.

Hello From Cali + Your Jan 2024 Reading!

Happy Happy 2024!

We all made it! January is such a beautiful month and in many ways, feels like a quiet whisper.

How was your last week of 2023? I’ve been enjoying time with my husband’s family in California and being away from our home and walking among the trees and totally different landscape than the desert has been so rejuvenating for my soul.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling this strong desire to just nest, cocoon and embrace winter’s energetics, which are about rest, gentle reconstruction internally and externally and reflection on what is coming up next.

Basically the opposite of the societal conditioning of go, go, go, achieve, strive, hit those New Year’s resolutions ASAP! (I got tired just typing that!)

As I write this, I am in my comfy clothes, messy hair and I woke up late for me-slept over 10 hours! It felt…very luxurious and very Goddess!

I feel like going old-school today and simply writing to you + channeling the messages I hear as I pull oracle cards for all of you for the month. I may do a video next week, but this week you get it in writing! 🙂

Oracle messages were one of the first ways that I connected with my intuition and if you are visual, I find they can often help the logical mind to step aside and give the subconscious and the wise voice inside a chance to interpret what’s what and the truths that want to be unearthed.

So….without further ado. Here you go! I encourage you to look at the beautiful cards and ask yourself too, “What else could this card mean for me right now?” Write down any insights you get!

The cards are from Colette Baron Reid’s “Oracle of the 7 Energies” if you’d like to check it out.

Your January 2024 message: Week by Week

Message 1 : In Perfect Harmony. This first week of January has sweet vibes, and your imagination may feel like it’s working overtime. You may have lots of creative ideas but you aren’t yet sure how they all fit together quite yet. But that’s okay. The “11” suggests that you are going to be meeting people along your path this year that will help you fulfill your most important goals and growth. You aren’t doing it alone, so stop worrying! This also is a card that suggests and reminds you of the importance of having fun and doing things for the sake of joyfulness, vs having an attachment to a particular outcome.

Message 2: Shining Through. The second week of January is about putting yourself out there. If you’re single, it’s a great week to make a decision about putting yourself on a new dating app, revamping your pictures or letting people know in your inner circle the type of person you would love to meet. For couples or for a wider lens take, it’s about doing things that help you feel seen and confident! No more hiding. Also, if you didn’t listen to your inner nudges to declutter those clothes that make you feel like anything less than a million bucks, it may be time to let them go!

Message 3: Birds of a Feather. The third week of January is about community. Have you been wanting to make new friends? This is a great time to circulate yourself, take some risks and make some calls. Your intuition is spot on, so if something seems off it probably is. And life can sometimes feel like a numbers game. If you put yourself out there and it doesn’t seem to go anywhere, that’s okay. There will be something else and you never know who you could meet to help you in another area of your life without even realizing it. Be open to giving and receiving love without guarantees. Notice what comes back to you!

Message 4: Close Encounters. The fourth and fifth week of January is about freedom. Liberating yourself from situations, relationships and ways of thinking that didn’t really work for you this month. Taking stock of where you’ve given your power away and also celebrating the new people that have come into your world and the new attitude and beliefs that are becoming more and more your new norm. You are a beautiful butterfly and you cannot rush your transformation. So if you find yourself falling into old patterns of stinkin thinking, know that you are free to open the door to that self-imposed cage anytime you want and fly out and explore a new vista!

Q: What is one of your intentions for yourself for this month? Hit reply and share if you feel guided!

And if you are ready to attract LOVE and more self-confidence than you know what to do with, I have a handful of spots open for 1:1 private spiritual and relationship coaching. I’d love to discuss your goals and how I can help. Go here to get on my calendar for a complimentary Clarity Consult if you’re ready and willing to receive support!

Much love and happy New Year!


3 Simple Questions to Ask Yourself as We Wrap Up 2023

Happy Tuesday and last newsletter of 2023!

OMG…where did the year go?

You’ve learned so much this year.

A lot has unfolded and a lot is still yet to reveal itself.

As we dive into the last few days of the year, it’s tempting to just skip ahead and start focusing on 2024 and just ignore the whispers of wrapping up this year energetically.

A powerful exercise to do before the 31st approaches is to ask yourself these three questions.

I’ve formatted them into sentence stems for simplicity.

I do these too and my clients have shared that taking a few moments to just reflect helped them feel more complete and ready to receive at a greater level than before.

Because here’s the thing: the more we can slow down and really carve out time to reflect on our journey, even for just a few minutes, the more grounded and easier it can feel to dive 10000% into the new energy that is coming.

Here they are:

(Feel free to write them by hand (my personal favorite) as it activates your subconscious.)

1. One thing I’m really proud of this year was…

2. One area where I still need to forgive myself or let go is…

3. One thing I’m so at peace with within myself is…

Question I get asked: How long do I have to write for?

Answer? Let yourself keep writing until you feel like you’re complete.

Healing my happen. Tears may flow. Laughter may come up.

Let it.

Because it’s all part of your story, Goddess.

And it’s the last page of your 2023 story.

Tell the truth.

Wishing you so much love, happiness and magic!

Thank you for being in my Goddess community and I’m looking forward to brainstorming more content for you to help you trust and love yourself in 2024.

Much love x

This Belief Can Change Everything, Goddess…

Happy Tuesday!

If you’re feeling some kind of way right now as December closes out, you’re exactly where you need to be right now.

A question I get asked a lot is, “Diana, what can I look at in myself to create more ease with attracting what I want-a soul mate, more money, etc?”

I am so excited to share this training video I did on this very subject.

Some of the things we talk about on it:
-a belief or invisible script that blocks attraction (most people don’t even realize they are running from this mindset!)
-why you don’t get what you desire (so simple but again, when we are ‘in’ it, we don’t see it always)
-questions you can ask yourself to start to get to the root of what you need to see in order to manifest with more ease and frequency

Check it out below:

ps: This was recorded in my private Facebook group, Empowered Goddess Secrets. If you’d like to join, it is free. To gain access, please go here.

How to Let the Divine In (Manifesting Secrets!)

Happy Tuesday!

What do you do when you’ve done all you think of towards manifesting your heart’s desire?

You know you shouldn’t attach to the outcome and you want to surrender, but what does that look like?

I call this last step, Inviting the Divine in.

Basically, getting out of your own way.

Want to hear a true story of the Divine in action + two tangible things you can do to invite in surrender? Watch below:

Q: What is 1 insight that came up for you as you watched this? Share by leaving a comment and if you’d like to manifest and release energy from 2023 to make space for an amazing 2024, go here to join Winter Magic: A Winter Solstice virtual retreat! There are still a handful of spaces left.