Happy Tuesday and last newsletter of 2023!
OMG…where did the year go?
You’ve learned so much this year.
A lot has unfolded and a lot is still yet to reveal itself.
As we dive into the last few days of the year, it’s tempting to just skip ahead and start focusing on 2024 and just ignore the whispers of wrapping up this year energetically.
A powerful exercise to do before the 31st approaches is to ask yourself these three questions.
I’ve formatted them into sentence stems for simplicity.
I do these too and my clients have shared that taking a few moments to just reflect helped them feel more complete and ready to receive at a greater level than before.
Because here’s the thing: the more we can slow down and really carve out time to reflect on our journey, even for just a few minutes, the more grounded and easier it can feel to dive 10000% into the new energy that is coming.
Here they are:
(Feel free to write them by hand (my personal favorite) as it activates your subconscious.)
1. One thing I’m really proud of this year was…
2. One area where I still need to forgive myself or let go is…
3. One thing I’m so at peace with within myself is…
Question I get asked: How long do I have to write for?
Answer? Let yourself keep writing until you feel like you’re complete.
Healing my happen. Tears may flow. Laughter may come up.
Let it.
Because it’s all part of your story, Goddess.
And it’s the last page of your 2023 story.
Tell the truth.
Wishing you so much love, happiness and magic!
Thank you for being in my Goddess community and I’m looking forward to brainstorming more content for you to help you trust and love yourself in 2024.
Much love x