Are you ready to transform? Welcome to Nov!

Happy Tuesday and November! 

It’s a brilliant month filled with potential for transformation, especially in your relationships.

If you are new to my community, I’m so glad that you are here.

Every first week of the month, I pull oracle cards for the month ahead so you know what to expect.

A few key words for November: Transformation. Trim. Taking it back to yourself. 

Click here to watch the full video + leave a comment-I’d love to hear from you!

ps: Are you ready to dig deep this month and get some clarity! Book a reading here while spaces are still available! 

Drop the Mask + Go Deeper (Ask This Question)

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been watching Halloween-themed movies literally as soon as October 1st hit. 

Think Hocus Pocus (OMG-I want to be Sarah Sanderson! and Addams Family. 

My fiancé, Rob, has made it his personal mission to have me watch classics that I’ve never seen-example: I saw the original 1970 something Halloween with Jamie Lee Curtis…and I loved it and was completely freaked out after. 

He joyfully went on to share that there are like 7 more Halloween sequels. Hmmm, not sure I loved it that much???

Anyhow, it got me thinking about masks.

The ones we wear.

The ones we take off. 

And why we even feel like sometimes it’s just not safe to be the real us and ditch the masks. 

Especially when it comes to love, there’s nothing more refreshing than watching someone just let their guard down and be themselves.

Sometimes it’s revealing.

Other times it’s surprising.

But when you come right down to brass tacks, truth is powerful.

When someone shows you who they really are, in all their imperfect glory?

It’s beautiful. Refreshing. And you can almost feel the palpable sign for r-e-l-i-e-f.

And it gives you permission to show your true, imperfect self too.

Because only then can you find out if you have what it takes to go the distance. 

It takes way less energy to be yourself than to be any other watered down or distorted version.

Energy you could be using to develop a real connection and love with someone! 

But if you aren’t willing to drop the mask with yourself, how can you expect to forge that real deep connection that lasts with someone else?

So…here are some Soul questions you can answer to allow more of the real you to come out. 

Grab your journal and something yummy. 

It’s time to get real with yourself in the name of love.

Q: What I’m afraid people would see about me if they really got to know me is…

Q: If you really knew me, you see that…

Q: If I let people see the real me, the worst that could happen is…

Q: If I let people see the real me, the best that could happen is… 

Happy Halloween and happy Soul journaling!

Want to share one of your insights? Leave me a comment!

Sparkle Seat Series: Angie

Happy Tuesday! 

Do you have big dreams and aren’t sure how to break them down to make them a reality? 

In this month’s Sparkle Seat series, Diana coaches Angie, who is interested in building her own business while juggling other responsibilities. 

If you’ve ever wanted to increase your confidence to go for it-whether it is in finally taking steps towards your big dream, entering a new relationship or starting a business from scratch using your gifts and talents, you will love this coaching segment!

Be sure to pop in a comment on the blog after you watch! We’d love to hear from you!

P.S. Want to explore private coaching with Diana? Go here:

Are You Ready for Some New Energy this October? Me Too!

Happy Tuesday!

And welcome to a brand-new month of possibilities, magic and opportunity, especially in relationships. 

It’s Libra season which is the sign of balance and love!

Where do you need to come back into balance with yourself? 

Where can you find the middle ground with someone or something that’s been bugging you? 

Where do you need to just accept and move on with grace? 

So many questions to ponder and with Mercury Retrograde until October 18th, it’s the perfect time to contemplate your next steps, who you want to be in this last quarter of the year and what’s really important to you. 

I’m really excited to share this month’s Goddess Guidance Oracle message! 

I actually recorded it for you while taking. much needed break at a resort here in AZ.

Yes, that’s right-ducked out of the swimming pool and found a beautiful spot to pull cards and share the wisdom that was coming through about October. 

Watch it now below and happy October!

ps: If you want to raise your confidence, I’m going to be teaching a brand-new course later this month called Energize Your Confidence Space! Stay tuned and big heart hugs and love to you.